
Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 10
  • Publication
    Aggregazione di giudizi
    Pigozzi, Gabriella
    L’aggregazione di opinioni individuali per formare una decisione collettiva è l’oggetto di studio di Judgment Aggregation, una disciplina che coinvolge logica, economia, filosofia politica ed informatica. Il problema della presa di decisione collettiva a partire da posizioni individuali è comune nella vita di tutti i giorni e, sebbene la procedura da seguire sembri evidente, i risultati possono nascondere paradossi sorprendenti. La formalizzazione del problema dell’aggregazione di giudizi individuali ha permesso di portare un buon numero di risposte, di evidenziare legami con la teoria della scelta sociale e l’aggregazione di credenze, e di aprire la strada a nuove ricerche che permettono di applicare buona parte dei risultati ad altri paradigmi della decisione collettiva. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è di introdurre il problema dell’aggregazione di giudizi, motivare l’interesse per tali questioni, presentando i risultati principali ottenuti e indicando alcune delle piste di ricerca attuali.
      16  111
  • Publication
    Pierluigi Barrotta, "Scienza e democrazia. Verità, fatti e valori in una prospettiva pragmatista", Carocci editore, Roma, 2016, pp. 269
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Davini, Claudio
    Science and democracy are unanimously considered the cornerstone of Western civilization. For this reason, one may assert that science and democracy are perfectly compatible. However, antiscientific movements are common both in the academic world and in public opinion; the most radical constructivists maintain that the alleged scientific truths are nothing but the outcome of social negotiations and power relations, while many people accuse scientific communities of being at the service of big corporations and established powers. The relationship between science and democracy has consequently become a much-debated issue. In recent years, we have even seen an exponential growth in literature on the subject. Pierluigi Barrotta’s book – Scienza e democrazia. Verità, fatti e valori in una prospettiva pragmatista – takes part in the actual debate, arguing that in a liberal democracy scientists and laypeople should be considered as members of a single community of inquirers whose objective is the truth.
      143  259
  • Publication
    Alexius Meinong
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Favazzo, Jansan
    Alexius Meinong (1853-1920), one of the most brilliant and outstanding philosophers among Brentano's pupils, is nowadayswidely discussed in analytic philosophy duetosome (relatively) recent developmentsof his fundamental ideas.In this introductive profile, after some notesabout Meinong's life (§ 1) and conception of philosophy as an inquiry about mental data (§ 2), I shall examine the main branches of his doctrine: the taxonomy of psychic phenomenaand the key-role played by representations (§3); the problem of empty representations, from which the Theory of Objects arises (§ 4); the objective foundation that this theory offers to practical philosophy and the central notion of value (§ 5). Finally, in § 6, I shall briefly present neo-Meinongian theories.
      97  190
  • Publication
    Bernard Williams
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Testini, Francesca
    In this essay, I propose a profile of Bernard Williams focusing on themes related to his moral philosophy. More specifically, the profile I shall propose aims at reconstructing Williams's fragmented discussions about the idea of moral objectivity. After examining his criticisms against the very idea of moral theory, I offer a metaethical framing of his position and then conclude by showing some of his relevant affinities with the ethical thought of the Greeks and, in particular, of Aristotle.
      108  547
  • Publication
    Luciano Floridi, "The Ethics of Information", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, pp. 357
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Terravecchia, Gian Paolo
    Topics such as privacy, freedom of speech, responsibility, digital divide, distributed morality and pornography online are some of the most new and challenging fields of ethics. They are usually dealt with bottom-up solutions. Luciano Floridi’s book, on the contrary, has the ambition to develop a general ethics to provide good answers with a new conceptual design. Floridi developes a patient oriented informational perspective and a ontocentric ethics. The book is a must for those interested in Floridi’s Principia Philosophiae Informationis, since it constitutes its second part.
      281  510