03 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins

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Bruno Callegher

Andrea Gariboldi
Aspetti di economia monetale nei documenti di Monte Mug. Con una appendice sui ritrovamenti di monete sasanidi, arabo-sasanidi e umayyadi in Tagikistan

Giulio Bernardi
Un tremisse di transizione con croce trasformata in palma stilizzata (sec. VII)

Frank R. Trombley
Some Greek and bilingual Arab-Byzantine bronze coins of Damascus and Hims-Emesa: some new examples of iconography and palaeography, with reference to some Byzantine issues of the late 6th and 7th centuries

Mohamed Ghodhane
Un fals umayyade rare au nom d’Atrabuls /Tripoli: étude du type, de conjoncture et d’atelier

Norman D. Nicol
Some Additions to A Corpus of Fatimid Coin

M. Alaa Aldin Alchomari
Trésor de Buseyra (Karkisiya)

Vladimir Belyaev, Vladimir Nastich, Sergey Sidorovich
The coinage of qara khitay: a new evidence (on the reign title of the Western Liao Emperor Yelü Yilie)

Vladimir N. Nastich
Early Islamic Copper Coinage of Transoxiana. A Generic Survey Focused on Newly Discovered Coin Types

Arianna D'Ottone
Ludovico Stanzani: freemason architect and coin connoisseur. Notes on his biography and collection

Mohammad Younis
"Malik Muluk Al-Umara"
New Laqab On Ai-Aba Dinar

Irakli Paghava
The First Arabic Coinage of Georgian Monarchs: Rediscovering the Specie of Davit IV the Builder (1089-1125), King of Kings and Sword of Messiah

Nikolaus Schindel
Umayyad Lead Coins

Nitzan Amitai- Preiss
Umayyad Vocabulary on Administrative Objects from Palestine

Maria Amalia De Luca
Sicilia Aghlabita: Nuove testimonianze numismatiche

Arianna D'Ottone
Umayyad and ‘Abbasid Glass Stamps from a Private Collection

Giancarlo Alteri
Giuseppe Simonio Assemani tra manoscritti e monete orientali


The 3rd Assemani Symposium was dedicated to the transitional period of Islamic coinage, aiming at putting in context the Umayyad numismatic materials. The bulk of the papers published in these Proceedings is therefore focused on this theme, but the contributions also take into account Arab-Sasanian and Arab-Byzantine issues, as well as early Umayyad coins from various regions of the Dār al-Islām (Transoxiana, Sogdiana, Libya,…). Other papers throw light on different periods and objects of Numismatic interest (seals, glass stamps, history of collecting), as the vocation of this Symposium is to be the occasion of a wide-range scientific exchange on Arabic and Islamic Numismatics.

Bruno Callegher: His scientific interests can be defined with in two major research ambits, one relating to Roman coin finds in North-Eastern Italy, the other regarding Byzantine coinage. He has been Keeper at the ‘Museo Bottacin’ in Padua and since 2006 associate professor of Numismatics at the University of Trieste.

Arianna D’Ottone: Researcher of Arabic Language and Literature at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Sapienza – University of Rome. Her domains of research are Islamic Numismatics and Arabic manuscripts.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 18
  • Publication
    Un fals umayyade rare au nom d’Atrabuls/Tripoli: étude du type, de conjoncture et d’atelier
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    Ghodhbane, Mohamed
    Monnaies et sources littéraires nous apprennent que la réforme monétaire islamique commença progressivement au premier siècle de l’hégire depuis le califat d’'Umar b. al-Khittab'. Elle fut achevée sous le calife umayyade ‘Abd al- Malik b. Marwan dans la partie orientale du monde islamique. Quant au Maghreb islamique la réforme ne s’atteignit que deux décennies après la date de l’arabisation finale en 77 H. C’est en effet, vers la fin du I/VII s. et le début du II/VIII s. que l’arabisation et l’islamisation complètes du système monétaire ifriqiyen s’aboutirent. Nous possédons un témoignage numismatique appartenant à cette conjoncture et constitue l’objet essentiel de la présente étude; c’est un fals frappé en 100 H./718 au nom d’Atrabuls (Tripolis). Ce fals est, fort probablement, rare, puisque nous n’en connaissons que trois autres exemplaires: l’un publié par Lane Poole, le deuxième par Ostrup et le troisième par Walker. Étudier ce fals convenablement à la lumière des données textuelles et archéologiques à la disposition des chercheurs notamment les données numismatiques fournies essentiellement par le nombre très réduit de fals portant le même toponyme est l’objectif de la présente contribution.
      911  2432
  • Publication
    Giuseppe Simonio Assemani tra manoscritti e monete orientali
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    Alteri, Giancarlo
    The paper wants to pick out one of the probable sources of the passion for Numismatics of Simone Assemani. His great granduncle, Giuseppe Simonio Assemani is likely to have excited this passion on him. Giuseppe Simonio Assemani became famous as great scholar of manuscripts of many oriental languages: Coptic, Etiopic, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and, above all, Syrian. He was dispatched by the Pope Clement XI to Egypt and to the neighbouring countries in order to search those manuscripts. For his reputation, he became Prefect of the Vatican Library in 1739. Generally, we know nothing about his particular interest for ancient Numismatics, interest arisen during his prefecture at the Vatican Library. In those year, in fact, very famous collections of coins and medals entered the Library: 328 Greek and Roman Medallions of the collection owned by the cardinal Alessandro Albani, the collection of medallions, coins and medals of the cardinal Gaspare Carpegna, with 4.000 pieces; the famous collection of 6.666 casts in sulphur of cameos and carvings of Pier Leone Ghezzi, the extraordinary collection of more than 5.000 pieces of papal coins of Saverio Scilla. Giuseppe Simonio Assemani was responsible for arranging and ordering a catalogue of those big collections: When he died, a great number of Greek and Roman coins was found in his apartment, together with medals and carvings, collection that shows his private interest for Numismatics. For these reason, probably he passed this interest on his great grandchild Simone Assemani, when he was still a child.
      1158  2421
  • Publication
    Sicilia Aghlabita: Nuove testimonianze numismatiche
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    De Luca, Maria Amalia
    Questo saggio si propone di illustrare 22 sigilli di piombo di età aghlabita di provenienza siciliana1. Gli esemplari presi in esame, sebbene inediti, afferiscono ad una tipologia già delineata in due studi precedenti dei quali il primo, a firma di P. Balog, risale al 1979 e il secondo, pubblicato da chi scrive, risale al 2003. I sigilli pubblicati dall'autrice, a differenza di quelli illustrati dal Balog e dei nuovi che qui mi accingo ad illustrare, costituiscono il frutto di una campagna di scavo ufficiale condotta nell’area archeologica di Milena (Sicilia: provincia di Caltanissetta) e hanno dunque, rispetto a tutti gli altri, il pregio di provenire da un sito studiato a fondo dagli archeologi, il che – come il lettore si renderà conto presto – avrà importanti refluenze sulla discussione intorno all’uso di questi manufatti.
      922  2704
  • Publication
    Umayyad Vocabulary on Administrative Objects from Palestine
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    Amitai, Nitzan
    Both history sources as well as archaeological objects tell us about the past of a place. The writing of the Islamic history started already during the third quarter of the seventh century by Syrian writers who wrote about the Islamic conquests. But those books have been lost, and they are only mentioned in treaties written in the 9th and 10th centuries (ELAD 2003). Historical sources writing about Umayyad Palestine are non-existing except for one Samaritan source that was written in Arabic in 1355 C.E. This source only seldom writes about other communities other then the Samaritans.
      1077  1613
  • Publication
    Umayyad Lead Coins
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    Schindel, Nikolaus
    The present paper tries to provide a rough overview over lead coins roughly dating to the Umayyad period (ca. 700-750 AD). Lead coins can be either issued alongside copper coins like in Baalbek or Jurjan as part of the regular petty coinage, they can be a local currency like in the Persian Gulf region, or they can have been produced in unofficial local workshops as a remedy against a need for petty cash. Some examples for these three categories are presented and discussed.
      1257  3932