
Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    European Transport / Trasporti Europei (1997) 5/III
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1997)
      466  800
  • Publication
    Containerisation in croatian ports: necessities and possibilities of development
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1997)
    Mrnjavac, Edna
    Komadina, Pavao
    Kesic, Blanka
    Attualmente, lo sviluppo della containerizzazione nel mondo è dominato dai traffici e dagli operatori del Sud- Est asiatico e dell'Estremo Oriente, aree nelle quali viene realizzato un terzo del traffico portuale containerizzato del mondo. Rispetto ai maggiori porti container del mondo, che sono localizzati nell'area del Sud-Est asiatico, il traffico sviluppato dai più grandi porti europei, e spe¬cialmente da quelli mediterranei, è di gran lunga inferio¬re. Sebbene i porti croati, allo stesso modo di tutti i porti adriatici, si configurino quali tipici porti mediterranei, i fattori che influenzano il loro sviluppo li costringono comunque ad un ruolo di secondaria importanza. Questo fatto non ha necessariamente una connotazione negativa, qualora il governo croato, stimolando lo sviluppo del sistema economico interno e dei flussi di traffico, riuscisse a risolvere il problema principale dei porti di Fiume e di tutti gli altri porti croati, cioè la mancanza di carichi.
      981  864
  • Publication
    Vantaggi competitivi e traffico container nella globalizzaione del mercato
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1997)
    Cascinelli, Roberta
    This study concerns the competitive advantages as the containers' traffic in the global international market. In the first part the comparative costs and the competitive advantages in the systems ' ports are examined. In the second part the variables as rates of exchange, Gross National Product, foreign trade technology, rates international of change, ports' systems, bureaucracy, and their connections are considered. Than, we have considered the growth of the container' traffic in the historical context, and its connections with the variables in the most import areas of the world.
      1216  768
  • Publication
    Trasporto aereo europeo: liberalizzazione e strategie aziendali
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1997)
    Sorgiacomo, Sandra
    Although the gradual liberalisation of the European airline market is drawing to an end in a context of complete freedom of transportation, this market still features a great number of legal disparities at several levels. The ideals of the Single European Market seem to be completely absent in the airline sector: each State controls its own territory with operation systems and standards of its own, which therefore vary considerably from country to country. If globalisation is to be the challenge of the turn of the century, then mergers, buy-outs, alliances with carriers which operate in large markets, together with franchising and code sharing agreements, are undoubtedly the instruments that European airline companies will have to use in order to compete with the main carriers and remain on the market.
      1606  994
  • Publication
    L'auto elettrica: un'analisi del ciclo di vita
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1997)
    De Carli, Michela
    This study aims to compare from the economic point of view the individual use of a heat engine vehicle to that of an electric one in specific applications. Indeed, although the cost involved in buying and keeping a traditional vehicle is widely known, the same cannot be said far automobiles that run on batteries, which are built according to specific functional, construction and legal requirements. Hence, an analysis of the costs involved in the life cycle of electric vehicles is first and foremost a quality-oriented analysis, rather than a quantitative one, that is to say, it will be aimed at identifying the new kinds of fixed and variable costs which the individual use of these vehicles entails.
      3030  1934