Aquileia Nostra 83/84 (2012/2013)

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Marcone Arnaldo

Costantino e Aquileia

Bratož Rajko

Le fonti letterarie di Aquileia costantiniana

Witschel Christian

Inschriften und Inschriftenkultur der konstantinischen Zeit in Aquileia

Cuscito Giuseppe

L'epigrafia cristiana di Aquileia in età costantiniana

Don Simone

Un nuovo miliario di Crispo, Liciniano Licinio Iunior e Costantino II dalla via Mediolano-Aquileiam

Mian Giulia

Il palazzo imperiale tardo-antico ad Aquileia. Note sullo stato della questione

Rubinich Marina

Le "grandi terme" costantiniane

Villa Luca

Il complesso episcopale teodoriano. Una rilettura delle testimonianze archeologiche

Novello Marta

Abitare ad Aquileia nel IV secolo d.C. Aspetti architettonici e decorativi

Bueno Michele, Centola Vanessa, Ghiotto Andrea Raffaele

Le domus dei Fondi ex Cossar e delle bestie ferite. Due esempi di trasformazione delle case aquileiesi in età tardoantica

Pensabene Patrizio, Gallocchio Enrico

La casa "del buon pastore" (Fondo Cal.)

Fontana Federica

La casa "dei putti danzanti"

Maggi Paola, Oriolo Flaviana

Il suburbio aquileiese in età tardoimperiale. Spunti di riflessione

Giovannini Annalisa

Aquileia e l'archeologia funeraria tardoantica. Censimento dei dati, tracce di usi e costumi

Sperti Luigi

La scultura mitologica

Rebaudo Ludovico, Zanier Katharina

Pezzi difficili. Due sculture aquileiesi del IV secolo d.C

Casari Paolo

Ritratti tardoantichi ad Aquileia

Cigaina Lorenzo

Le stele aquileiesi con "stehende Soldaten" e il problema del reimpiego

Feugère Michel

Tra Costantino e Teodosio (IV - V secolo d.C.). Osservazioni sui militaria di Aquileia

Salvadori Monica, Pavan Giulia M. B.

Dall'Hortus Pictus al locus amoenus cristiano. Sopravvivenza e risemantizzazione di un tema iconografico negli affreschi dell'aula sud della Basilica di Aquileia

Sena Chiesa Gemma

Il Cristo dissimulato. Simboli cristiani nell'Aquileia di Costantino e dei suoi successori

Ventura Paola, Zulini Ella

Attestazioni di terra sigillata africana ad Aquileia. Conoscenze pregresse e materiali inediti dai magazzini del Museo archeologico nazionale

Braidotti Elena

Un'anfora con cristogramma dai magazzini del Museo archeologico nazionale di Aquileia

Mandruzzato Luciana

La circolazione di suppellettile in vetro ad Aquileia in epoca costantiniana

Asolati Michele

L'attività della zecca di Aquileia nell'età di Flavio Costantino

Novello Marta

L'attività di tutela del territorio di Aquileia (biennio 2012 - 2013)

Ventura Paola, Braidotti Elena, Girelli Daniele

Il complesso museale di Aquileia. Museo archeologico nazionale, Museo paleocristiano, aree archeolgiche. Attività 2012 - 2013


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 28
  • Publication
    Il complesso episcopale teodoriano. Una rilettura delle testimonianze archeologiche
    (Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia, 2012)
    Villa, Luca
    The early Christian Episcopal complex of Aquileia, built in the age of Constantine, is the best preserved in the West. The review of the data of the excavations and new observations on the structures stili visible allow a new proposal of original plant. The existing buildings have profoundly inftuenced the architectural form of the episcopal complex, in particular with regard to the main halls of worship. News emerge especially for the organization of the internal spaces between the main churches. Some evidence allow usto describe the system of entrance to the complex, with a corridor overlooked, north and south, the construction. Despite little evidence available, is proposed a new hypothesis planimetrie of these environments and those close to them that allow the passage of the main churches. A new classification can also be formulated for the baptismal buildings: a quadrangular baptistery, with a circular pool, around which you have other spaces including a heated environment in front the entrance.
      475  1247
  • Publication
    Le "grandi terme" costantiniane
    (Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia, 2012)
    Rubinich, Marina
    The so called 'Great Baths' were one of the largest and most sumptuous public buildings of Aquileia in Costantinian age, but today are almost unrecognizable by reason of a long history of radical transformations. Investigated several times on the part of the locai Superintendency during the 20th century, since 2002 they are systematically excavated by an archaeological mission of the University of Udine. The recent stratigraphic diggings have allowed us to know the complex history of the building, from its construction to the reuse of its ruins in the early Middle Acfes and, after the collapses and a long period of neglect, to the systematic despoliation probably carried out in the 13r -14th century. On the basis of excavation data and of the most recent interpretations, this paper describes the hypothetical layout of the Baths and division of their rooms, and also the characteristics of their construction and adornment. Furthermore, the latest studies on some classes of materials allowed us to discuss the chronological phases of the impressive thermal complex, which was operative at least until the middle of the 5th century A.D.
      355  952
  • Publication
    Il palazzo imperiale tardo-antico ad Aquileia. Note sullo stato della questione
    (Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia, 2012)
    Mian, Giulia
    The existence of a palatium at Aquileia during Late Antiquity is confirmed by a panegyric delivered at Treviri in 307 A.D., but the place where it was located is still unknown. According to la test research, the remains of this building - whether it be a real imperial palace or simply a temporary residence of the emperor - should be sought in the vicinity of the Circus, as the numerous sources regarding the topographical locations of these two structures in imperial cities suggest. Urban analysis and the discovery of sculptural works of significant quality found to the east of the Circus not only appear to confirm this hypothesis but also to indicate this area as the likely location of the imperial residence.
      469  1039
  • Publication
    Un nuovo miliario di Crispo, Liciniano Licinio Iunior e Costantino II dalla via Mediolano-Aquileiam
    (Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia, 2012)
    Don, Simone
    In the abbey of Maguzzano (Brescia), there is an unpublished milestone with the names of Crispus, Licinianus Licinius Iunior and Constantine Il, which was originally located along the road Mediolano-Aquileiam, that from the fourth century was one of the main links between West and East. The elements of the text indicate a chronological collocation between 1 March 317 and 19 September 324. Near the abbey, also, is still in situa milestone without inscriptions, belonging to the same road.
      362  499
  • Publication
    L'epigrafia cristiana di Aquileia in età costantiniana
    (Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia, 2012)
    Cuscito, Giuseppe
    In the great amount of inscriptions carne to light in Aquileia, it is not easy to recognize those produced by the Christians of the age of Constantine to the absence of stylistic characteristic, signs of identity or consular date that attaches securely on
      388  1265