Miscellanea - 5 (2000)


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
    Parks, Gerald
      617  330
  • Publication
    Le sfide didattiche dell'arabo
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
    Kallas, Elie
    The author accuses Arab glottodidactics of ideological compIicity with the political systems of the Arab countries and of a leveling of the cultural and linguistic reality, by adopting the archaic and anachronistic motto: "one nation, one language." Indeed, beneath the apparent linguistic homogeneity of Arabic, the fragmentation of the oral language should not be underestimated. In designing a possible project for the teaching of Arabic in the Italian schools, it is necessary, first of all, to define who the recipients are and what their needs are, in order then to be able to evaluate the adequacy of the variety or varieties of the language to be taught, of the teaching aids and methods to be used, the level and types of competence to be reached, and the tools to be developed for testing such competence. The author then draws up a profile of the teaching staff, illustrates and evaluates the French and American experiences in this field, and suggests creating a European Association of Teachers of Arabic (EATA), while expressing the hope that such a project will be realistic, secular and pluralistic in nature.
      1035  1334
  • Publication
    La formazione iniziale degli insegnanti di lingua tedesca delle scuole secondarie
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
    Ivančić, Barbara
    After its official institutionalization in 1990, the initial training of secondary- education teachers was implemented in Italy in the 1999/2000 academic year by the introduction of the so-called "Scuola di specializzazione per l'insegnamento nella scuola secondaria", a two-year postgraduate course leading to a final examination. This important step in the Italian educational system pointed to the necessity to define precisely the contents and the form of initial training for teachers. This paper deals specifically with the initial formation of German language teachers, as exemplified by the training provided in the Scuola di Specializzazione in Trieste. Far frorn proposing an ideal model to be applied, the author shows how this course has been applied at the University of Trieste (the observations refer to the academic years 1999/2000 and 2000/2001) and raises some crucial issues of initial training for foreign language teachers. In order to provide a basis for tackling these issues, several other training models that are offered in other European countries are presented.
      689  581
  • Publication
    L'insegnamento della lingua straniera nella scuola italiana (con particolare riferimento alla lingua tedesca)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
    Berzetti di Buronzo, Paola
    The teaching of foreign languages in Italian schools, with particular reference to German. As to the teaching of foreign languages, many changes have occurred in the Italian school system since the Sixties. Especially since the eighties efforts have been made - particularly thanks to different forms of experimentation - on the one hand to ensure the teaching of foreign languages in primary schools (later on in nursery schools as well), and on the other hand to expand such teaching in secondary schools. Above all, besides leading to a better understanding of the role of the teaching of foreign languages in the present educational system, the history of this evolution within the general development of the Italian school system can serve to estimate its possibilities with reference to the enormous challenge of school autonomy, as well as to more surely determine the main targets of a common European culture.
      1219  5906
  • Publication
      739  1228