The Interpreters' Newsletter n. 15 - 2010
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Kellett Bidoli Cynthia J., Riccardi Alessandra
Setton Robin
From practice to theory and back in interpreting: the pivotal role of training
Fox Brian
EU multilingualism: the looming challenges
Sunnari Marianna, Hild Adelina
A multi-factorial approach to the development and analysis of professional expertise in SI
Boyd Michael S., Monacelli Claudia
Politics, (con)text and genre: applying CDA and DHA to interpreter training
Orlando Marc
Tripepi Winteringham Sarah
The usefulness of ICTs in interpreting practice
Rennert Sylvi
The impact of fluency on the subjective assessment of interpreting quality
Holub Elisabeth
Does Intonation Matter? The impact of monotony on listener comprehension
Zwischenberger Cornelia
Quality criteria in simultaneous interpreting: an international vs. a national view
Reithofer Karin
English as a lingua franca vs. interpreting: battleground or peaceful coexistence?
Ooigawa Tomohiko, Takahashi Kinuko
Kellett Bidoli Cynthia J.
Interpreting from speech to sign: Italian television news reports
The Interpreters' Newsletter of the Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio, dell'Interpretazione e della Traduzione and the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Trieste, is an international journal promoting the dissemination and discussion of research in the field of interpreting studies.