DiSPeS Working Paper 04 (2013)

Giuseppe Ieraci, Francesco Poropat
Governments in Europe (1945-2013). A Data Set


The paper presents a data set based on 620 governments in 26 European contemporary democracies from the end of World War II to the present time. The data are organized in synthetic country data sheets, each of one offering basic information on the composition of the governments, their duration and the cause for their termination. Moreover, each data sheet includes the calculation of a Government Turnover Index (GTI).

Giuseppe Ieraci, is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Political and Social Sciences of Trieste University, Italy, and teaches courses in Theory of Democracy and Public Policy. His research interests are in the fields of democratic theory, party systems and political institutions, and policy analysis. His recent publications include: ‘Governments, Policy Space and Party Positions in the Italian Parliament (1996-2001)’, South European Society & Politics, 12 (2006), Governments and Parties in Italy. Parliamentary Debates, Investiture Votes and Policy Positions (1994-2006), Leicester, Troubador Pub. Ltd (2008), L’analisi delle politiche pubbliche, Rome, Aracne (2009), ‘Measures of Freedom, Democracy and the Freedom in the World Index’, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, XVII (2010), ‘Government Alternation and Patterns of Competition in Europe: Comparative Data in Search of Explanations’, West European Politics, 35 (2012), 3.

Francesco Poropat, is research fellow in the Department of Political and Social Sciences of Trieste University, Italy, and he is currently working on a research project on the new processes of democratization. He published The Balkan Democratic Puzzle. Party System and Political Alignment in Serbia and Montenegro, edizioni epoké, Novi Ligure (AL) – Italy, 2012.


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  • Publication
    Governments in Europe (1945-2013). A Data Set
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Ieraci, Giuseppe
    Poropat, Francesco
    The paper presents a data set based on 620 governments in 26 European contemporary democracies from the end of World War II to the present time. The data are organized in synthetic country data sheets, each of one offering basic information on the composition of the governments, their duration and the cause for their termination. Moreover, each data sheet includes the calculation of a Government Turnover Index (GTI).
      1015  1410