The Interpreters' Newsletter n. 06 - 1995
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The Interpreters' Newsletter 6 (1995)
Gran Laura, Snelling David
Kurz Ingrid
Pöchhacker Franz
Writings and Research on Interpreting: A Bibliographic Analysis
Viaggio Sergio
The Praise of Sight Translation (And Squeezing the Last Drop Thereout of)
Kellett Cynthia J.
Video-Aided Testing of Student Delivery and Presentation in Consecutive Interpretation
Tonelli Livia, Riccardi Alessandra
Speech Errors, Shadowing and Simultaneous Interpretation
Russo Mariachiara
Falbo Caterina
Interprétation consecutive et exercises préparatoires
Fusco Maria Antonietta
On Teaching Conference Interpretation between cognate Languages: Towards a Workable Methodology