Slavica Tergestina 24 (2020/I)
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Habjan Jernej
Yugoslavia between May ’68 and November ’89: Introduction
Perica Ivana
Aesthetic "Traditions and Perspectives" and the Politics of the Yugoslav 1968
Centrih Lev
Kreft Lev
From the Marginal to the Exemplary
Gvozden Vladimir
Protests of 1968: The Politics of Memory or the Memory of Politics?
Gabrič Aleš
Slovenian Intellectuals of the 1960s from the Political Point of View
Balžalorsky Antić Varja
May ’68 and the Emergence of écriture féminine: The French Centre and the Slovenian Periphery
Pavlič Darja
In the Name of Freedom: The Poetic Ludism of Milan Jesih
Tomažin Andrej
Crisis of the Journal "Problemi" in 1968
Troha Gašper
Sabatos Charles
Czechoslovak ‘Normalisation’ in the Fiction of Vilenica Prize Laureates
Vičar Branislava
Slavica Tergestina volumes usually focus on a particular theme or concept. Most of the articles published so far deal with the cultural realm of the Slavic world from the perspective of modern semiotic and cultural methodological approaches, but the journal remains open to other approaches and methodologies.
The theme of the upcoming volume along with detailed descriptions of the submission deadlines and the peer review process can be found on our website at All published articles are also available on-line, both on the journal website and in the University of Trieste web publication system at
Slavica Tergestina is indexed in The European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS).