On geological translating from Italian to English : some practical observations


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    On Geological Translating from Italian to English: some practical observations
    (Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, 1983)
    Kellett Bidoli, J.C.M.
    Geology is one of the most rapidly expanding earth sciences today. Owing to the scientific nature of geology, its growth and developing branches, there is an increasing of literature concerning geology. There is an increasing demand in non-English speaking countries for competent translators to translate material into English, which has become the most universally acceptable medium of communication in geology. In this book there are some useful guidelines on how to approach the task of geological translating for those who intend to specialize or who will be occasionally engaged in such work. A brief definition for each term will be given in English with the accepted Italian equivalent and an Italian-English geological vocabulary is provided to enable rapid cross-reference.
      245  1992