Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2023) XXV/3

Monographica. Perspectives in Ethics and Literature

Germán Darío Vélez López, Claudia María Maya Franco
Ethics and Literature. Guest editors’ preface

Horacio Pérez-Henau
Ethics and Literature in Moments of Unnoticed Happiness: A Perspective from Everyday Aesthetics

Juan Camilo Suárez Roldán
Música asnal: fábula e interpretación bruta

Lorena Forni
Distopia, linguaggio, guerra. Un’analisi etico filosofica di 1984

Pedro Juan Aristizabal Hoyo
Aproximación filosófica a un relato de Juan Gabriel Vásquez

Germán Darío Vélez López
La línea de sombra y el cruce de los umbrales existenciales

Davide Sili
Quant’è nuovo l’antico? Il mito di Erisittone: etica ambientale nelle póleis greche

Juan Manuel Cuartas Restrepo
Colegir de la memoria, un acto ético en Une Femme de Annie Ernaux

Niccolò Pardini
Genealogia del presente e scelta narrativa in Crossroads di Jonathan Franzen

Patricia Aristizábal Montes
Antígona revisitada en tres momentos de la escritura de mujeres

Claudia María Maya Franco, Natalia Grisales
Consideraciones éticas sobre El Extranjero de Camus a partir del concepto de nihilismo

Juan Pablo Pino-Posada, Matilda Lara-Viana, Luisa Montoya-Vélez
Los efectos éticos de la escritura creativa: un modelo de implementación crítica de ejercicios literarios para estímulo de la empatía



Carlo Crosato
L’anarchico: una postura critica, due differenti ontologie politiche. Foucault e Agamben

Francesco D’Urso
Dagli animali agli automi: un’indagine sui nuovi orizzonti della soggettività giuridica

Juan Carlos Herrera
Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot. Contemporáneo de la Escuela de Frankfurt

Meos Holger Kiik
Knowledge and Democracy: Are Epistemic Values Adversaries or Allies of Democracy?

Antonio Lucci
Il tempo e i tempi. François Hartog e Thomas Macho tra storia e teoria culturale del tempo

Macarena Marey
Church and State as Agonistic Partners in the Time of Neoconsevatism

Pierpaolo Marrone
Ordering Preferences

Delio Salottolo
Temporalizzazione, autocomprensione storica e cancellazione del futuro nell’Antropocene. Una riflessione etico-politica a partire da Koselleck e Foucault

Riccardo Fanciullacci
“Il carattere infinitamente elusivo della realtà”. Iris Murdoch sul realismo come conquista



Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 22
  • Publication
    “Il carattere infinitamente elusivo della realtà”. Iris Murdoch sul realismo come conquista
    Fanciullacci, Riccardo
    This article is part of a study dedicated to the many senses in which Iris Murdoch appeals to reality and realism within her philosophical reflection. In particular, the epistemological significance of her thesis that a good ethical theory must seek to be realist, in the sense of being faithful to the complexities of the reality of moral life, is explored here.
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  • Publication
    Temporalizzazione, autocomprensione storica e cancellazione del futuro nell’Antropocene. Una riflessione etico-politica a partire da Koselleck e Foucault
    Salottolo, Delio
    The essay aims to analyze some difficulties in thinking ethics and politics for the future starting from the characteristics of the temporal and historical discourse order of Modernity. The starting point is the analysis of the name/concept of Anthropocene, a new geological era in which the human becomes a geological force, and the specific temporality that it shows: the need to think beyond the division between “human history” and “natural history”. In order to define the limits of the order of temporal and historical discourse in Modernity, I questioned Reinhart Koselleck’s reflection and Michel Foucault. If it is true that, reasoning with and beyond Koselleck, Modernity seems structurally incapable of thinking the future as radically different from an extension of the present; it is equally true that Modernity itself, thought of as ethos and not as epoch, can point the way to a form of critique of all existent reality as an ontology of actuality and a dimension of care towards exploited human living, non-human living, and Earth system.
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  • Publication
    Ordering Preferences
    In this article, I examine the problem of the ordering of preferences and the neutrality we should have with respect to their temporal location if we are to maintain a largely impartial position in ethical deliberation. I show how some difficulties may arise if we understand the ethical stance not only as a propensity towards impartiality, but also as a way of constructing our own personal ethical narrative
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  • Publication
    Church and State as Agonistic Partners in the Time of Neoconsevatism
    Marey, Macarena
    The point of this paper is to indicate that liberal secularist frameworks are not very useful to address the de-democratising phenomena that neoconservatism and religious right-wing actors are causing today. Taking the Argentinian context as object of philosophical analysis, I defend two intertwined theses that have bearing on the way left-wing politics and activism deal with the revitalisation of the political participation of right-wing and neoconservative churches and religious actors. The first one is that although the secularisation thesis cannot explain today’s religious political revitalisation, at the same time the reconfiguration of the way Christian churches participate in politics is confined to the political ideology of secularism. The second thesis is an explanation as to why this is so: secularism is enacted within an agonistic-deliberative political field in which fully legitimised and polarised agents shape each other’s agency, and that at the same time delegitimises those subjectivities and collectives that do not adjust to its homogenising polarisations. In sum, debating about secularism and religion is still needed, but today the focus of the discussions should be put in the way the liberal state and the hegemonic church authorities collaborate to marginalise several collectives from political participation.
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  • Publication
    Il tempo e i tempi. François Hartog e Thomas Macho tra storia e teoria culturale del tempo
    Lucci, Antonio
    This paper examines some of the central philosophical positions concerning temporality to find trends in philosophical approaches to this issue. The theories of François Hartog and Thomas Macho on time will then be presented, highlighting their strengths and critical points and comparing them. The comparison aims to show how the two authors' approach to the problem of temporality makes it possible to find conceptual cores starting from the analysis of concrete forms of time measurement, rituals that have to do with time, and philosophical debates that have developed on this concept.
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