QuaderniCIRD 28 (2024)


QuaderniCIRD n. 28 (2024)

Rivista del Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Didattica dell’Università  di Trieste
Journal of the Interdepartmental Center  for Educational Research of the University  of Trieste
ISSN: 2039-8646

Direttore responsabile:
Michele Stoppa

Luciana Zuccheri

Comitato editoriale:
Silvia Battistella
Helena Lozano Miralles
Tiziana Piras
Monica Randaccio
Paolo Sorzio

Revisione sunti in Spagnolo:
Helena Lozano Miralles

Numero a cura di:
Michele Stoppa
Luciana Zuccheri


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 8
  • Publication
    Donne e istruzione in Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento. Parte prima: contesto e legislazione
    Di Pasqua, Salvatore
    The process that led women in Italy to bridge the gender gap in education is long and very controversial. Throughout the nineteenth century, women remain confined to the domestic sphere and the nascent unitary State, though secular and liberal, does not bring any substantial changes. The first laws on compulsory education do not suffice to change a deeply-rooted and widespread mentality. This paper aims to reconstruct the initial stages of female emancipation (which essentially coincide with that period of great tension and sweeping transformations commonly known as Belle Époque) through the analysis of various sources and documents. The contribution is divided into two sections: the first – context and legislation – appears in this issue of “Quaderni CIRD”; the second –memoirs and literature – is due to be published in the next issue.
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  • Publication
    Ergonomia Medica e Ospedali del Futuro
    Grossi, Franco C.
    The ergonomic design methodology intends to make the construction of hospitals of the future anthropocentric or to plan improvements in currently existing ones and this by placing doctors and patients at the center of the design activity. Specifically, it involves carrying out a detailed examination of the safety, quality and ergonomic usability criteria to which these hospitals will have to comply. The multidisciplinary working group will be led by an ergonomist, with the aim of preparing precise guidelines to be provided to the designers, who will thus be facilitated in their work. Almost all current hospital facilities are inadequate to accommodate modern analysis, imaging and treatment technologies and to meet the needs of users and healthcare personnel. The design of new hospitals, with a forecast of use for at least twenty years, must absolutely take into consideration both the environment in which they will be inserted, both the internal and external spaces, both their usability by users and the needs which derive from the continuous development of advanced technological systems in medicine. The hospitals of the future will have to be “green”, “smart” and “mild”.
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  • Publication
    Il ruolo dell’ansia matematica e dell’autoefficacia disciplinare nell’apprendimento matematico in bambini con Bisogni Educativi Speciali
    Zanin, Chiara
    Cuder, Alessandro
    Students with special educational needs exhibit difficulties in school achievements, especially in mathematics. However, few studies have simultaneously assessed the affective-motivational profiles and mathematical performance of these students. This study aims to examine closely these two aspects. The results show that students with special needs exhibit lower mathematical self-efficacy (both academic and regulatory) compared to typically developing peers, as well as lower mathematical performance. The results underline the need to propose educational interventions aimed at promoting the self-efficacy of special education needs students.
      55  19