Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.19 - 2017

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Matamala Anna, Orero Pilar

Audio Description and Social Acceptability

Fresno Nazaret

Approaching Engagement in Audio Description

Walczak Agnieszka

Measuring immersion in audio description with Polish blind and visually impaired audiences

Bardini Floriane

Audio Description Style and the Film Experience of Blind Spectators: Design of a Reception Study

Jankowska Anna, Ziółko Bartosz, Igras-Cybulska Magdalena, Psiuk Agata

Reading rate in filmic audio description

Kruger Jan-Louis, Doherty Stephen, Ibrahim Ronny

Electroencephalographic beta coherence as an objective measure of psychological immersion in film

Jankowska Anna, Szarkowska Agnieszka, Krejtz Krzysztof, Fidyka Anita, Kowalski Jarosław, Wichrowski Marcin

Smartphone app as a museum guide. Testing the Open Art application with blind, deaf, and sighted users

Perego Elisa

Audio Description: A Laboratory for the Development of a New Professional Profile

Orero Pilar

The professional profile of the expert in media accessibility for the scenic arts

Vercauteren Gert

Audio describing the extradiegetic emotive dimension of film

Perego Elisa


Randaccio Monica

Museum AD: A Transdisciplinary Encounter

Perego Elisa

Audio description norms in Italy: state of the art and the case of “Senza Barriere”

Canavese Paolo

Localizzazione di contenuti web tra standardizzazione e adattamento

Sanon-Ouattara F. Emilie G.

Self-translation, code switching or adaptation? Some reflexions based on religious discourse in Burkina Faso

Iannuzzi Giulia

Traduttore, consulente editoriale, intellettuale: Riccardo Valla e la fantascienza angloamericana in Italia


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