
Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Studia Geobotanica. An international journal Vol. 14 (1994), Supplemento 1
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1994)
      302  581
  • Publication
    La vegetazione dei muri del Friuli-Venezia Giulia (NE Italia) e suo inquadramento nel contesto europeo
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1994)
    Poldini, Livio
    Vidali, Marisa
    WALL VEGETATION OF FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA (NE ITALY) IN THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT. Sintaxonomy of the wall vegetation in Friuli-Venezia Giulia was investigated. The phytocoenosis have been included in The order Tortulo-Cymbalarieralia Segal 1969 of the class Asplenietea trichomanis (Br.-BI. in Meier et Br.-BI. 1934) Oberd. 1977. They can not be assigned to the class Cymbalario-Parietarietea diffusae Oberd. in Oberd. et al. 1967 for the lack of typical stenomediterranean species. The releves of the North-Adriatic Karst and South-Eastern Alps were compared to syntetical tables of wall vegetation of Central Europe and Italy.
      379  866
  • Publication
    La vegetazione dei prati da sfalcio e dei pascoli intensivi (Arrhenatheretalia e Poo-Trisetetalia) in Friuli
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1994)
    Poldini, Livio
    Oriolo, Giuseppe
    THE VEGETATION OF MEADOWS AND OVERGRAZED PASTURES (ARRHENATHERETALIA AND POO-TRISETETALIA) IN FRIULI (NE ITALY). The vegetation of mowed meadows in Friuli is described and compared with similar coenoses of the Karst area near Trieste. According to Ellamuer and Mucina (1993). We include the meadows of the plains into the order Arrhenatheretalia s.s. and the mountane ones into the order Poo-Triesetetalia. The association Centaurea carniolicae-Arrhenatheretum Oberdorfer 1964 is reviewed, and the new, corrected name Centaurea carniolicae-Arrhenatheretum is proposed. Tue old name Anthaxantha-Brametum Poldini 1980 is restored for the Karst coenosis dominated by the same species. A new association (Poo sylvicolae-Lalietum multiflori ass. nov.) is described for damp meadow; although it belongs lo the alliance Arrhenatherian, many species from the Balcanic-Submediterranean alliance Trifalia-Hordeion Horvatic 1934 are present. In Friuli Poo-Trisetetalia includes three alliances: Palygana-Trisetian, Poion alpinae and Alchemillo-Poion supinae. The first one includes Centaurea transalpinae-Trisetetum nom. nov., association of meadows of mountain belt in the Southern Alps. A new association, Crepida-Paetum alpinae ass. nov., replaces Crepidao-Festucetum rubrae Liidi 48 in the Southeastem Alps. The basal-phytocoenon with Deschampsia caespitosa and Veratrum album/lobelianum belongs to the alliance Poion alpinae. Only Alchemilla-Poetum supinae Aichinger 33 represents the alliance Alchemilla-Paian supinae.
      433  1102