European Transport / Trasporti Europei

European Transport\Trasporti Europei (ISSN 1825-3997) is published three times a year by ISTIEE (Istituto per lo studio dei trasporti nell'integrazione economica europea, Institute for the Study of Transport within the European Economic Integration, ( ISTIEE is located in Trieste, Italy.

European Transport\Trasporti Europei is an international journal, written in English. The aim is to promote and disseminate new ideas which can help improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the transport system.

Given the Institute's mission, a special interest to the Journal is the role of transport in promoting and facilitating European economic integration. The links between the Western and Eastern, Northern and Southern European countries will be paid special attention to. However, these issues are not exclusive and processes of integration in other geographical areas are as well of interest to the Journal. The links between transport activities and economic development is also of concern of the journal.

ISSN 1825-3997