Poliarchie / Polyarchies 2015/3


This work focuses on the analysis of leadership, a complex and elusive subject that spans the research domain of several disciplines. Numerous models have been developed in the specialized literature stemming from the realm of psychology: transformational leadership nowadays appears to be the dominating research perspective, because of both its heuristic value and its applications in organizational contexts. Identitary leadership fosters transformational evolution of group members into potential leaders even more than servant leadership. Nevertheless, a number of commonplaces inspired by old concepts such as charisma are still evident. They stem from a mystical conception strongly linked with reactive narcissism, postulating that leadership is an innate quality.

Il lavoro affronta e analizza il tema complesso e magmatico della leadership, terreno d’indagine di discipline diverse. La letteratura di derivazione psicologica ha costruito numerosi modelli: la nuova leadership, definita trasformazionale sembra oggi essere la prospettiva di studio dominante, sia per il valore euristico, sia per le applicazioni soprattutto in contesti organizzativi. La leadership identitaria, ancor più della leadership di servizio, favorisce l’evoluzione trasformazionale dei membri del gruppo in leader potenziali. Permangono tuttavia luoghi comuni ispirati a vecchi concetti come il carisma, che derivano da una interpretazione mistica e innatistica fortemente collusiva con il narcisismo reattivo.


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  • Publication
    New leadership e carisma
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015)
    Gabassi, Pier Giorgio
    This work focuses on the analysis of leadership, a complex and elusive subject that spans the research domain of several disciplines. Numerous models have been developed in the specialized literature stemming from the realm of psychology: transformational leadership nowadays appears to be the dominating research perspective, because of both its heuristic value and its applications in organizational contexts. Identitary leadership fosters transformational evolution of group members into potential leaders even more than servant leadership. Nevertheless, a number of commonplaces inspired by old concepts such as charisma are still evident. They stem from a mystical conception strongly linked with reactive narcissism, postulating that leadership is an innate quality.
      964  3253