«Femminile irritante». L’esperienza femminile nella Resistenza tra racconto privato e discorso storiografico
Di Gianantonio, Anna
The essay examines distortions in the memories of certain individuals who witnessed the
Resistance and deportations to the concentration camps, according to the historical context
within which the witness record was retold. Alongside variations in the «means of production»
of the accounts, there are things which can and cannot be said, and therefore the accounts don’t
simply recount past events, but also tell us about the historical and cultural circumstances of
the time. It is possible to observe various stages in the evolution of female memory from the time
when violence against women was perceived as a result of their own «loose behavior», up to
the time when violence against women is roundly condemned both by international courts and
by public opinion. The essay goes on to analyze the attitudes of the women of Eastern Friuli
towards the use of violence and of firearms and towards their sense of ethnic and national
identity, bringing into discussion certain historical stereotypes which would have women seen
exclusively as a «homely figure». The story of the partisan Maria Antonietta Moro is emblematic
of our need for more refined methods of analysis.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Anna Di Gianantonio, "«Femminile irritante». L’esperienza femminile nella Resistenza tra racconto privato e discorso storiografico", in "Qualestoria. Rivista di storia contemporanea. Anno XLIII, N.ro 2, Dicembre 2015. Collaborazionismi, guerre civili e resistenze", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015, pp. 163-176
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