Participation, Role and Position of Slovenian Women in the World War II Resistance Movement
Deželak Barič, Vida
The following discussion focuses on the mass participation of women in the resistance movement
during the occupation of Slovenia (1941-1945) and compares it with the women’s position
in the anti‑communist and collaborationist political camp in the context of the civil war, which
took place in certain areas of Slovenian territory during the occupation. It analyses the aspects
of the liberation struggle activities which women took part in. These activities included the
activist fieldwork in the context of various organisations (Liberation Front of the Slovenian
Nation, Slovenian Anti‑fascist Women’s Association – a special women’s organisation), inclusion
of women in the Partisan armed formations, intelligence operations, as well as cultural
and educational activities. The discussion underlines the monopoly of the Communist Party, the
transmissive role of the resistance organisation in the eyes of the communists, problems with the
implementation of the equal position of women in the men’s world, as well as fatalities among
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Vida Deželak Barič, "Participation, Role and Position of Slovenian Women in the World War II Resistance Movement", in "Qualestoria. Rivista di storia contemporanea. Anno XLIII, N.ro 2, Dicembre 2015. Collaborazionismi, guerre civili e resistenze", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015, pp. 139-162
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