Il ruolo di Aurelio Peccei nella formazione di una coscienza globale
Peccei, Roberto
The author divides his analysis into three parts, of which the first considers the most influential figures in the Club of Rome. He thus reviews the thought, actions and ideals of Aurelio Peccei through his writings and their influence on the academic world and leading figures in International organisations the world over, people whom Peccei succeeded in gathering around him within the spheres of his institutions and ideas. The second part considers the evolution of thinking on global consciousness through Peccei’s writings. This started from a scientific analysis of the world beyond the year 2000 and then, through the Club of Rome, concerned itself with the education of people all over the world to spread awareness that economic and demographic growth has limits, beyond which it becomes unsustainable. In his 1976 book “The Human Quality” (2014: 242-256) Peccei identified six missions by means of which humanity may form this global consciousness. The first mission concerns the external limits of the planet deriving from mankind’s presence, his power over nature and his exclusive dominion over Earth. The second mission concerns mankind’s limits, which are unknown to us, and what mankind should do in a constantly changing world. The third mission regards cultural heritage and the protection of cultural identity, extending to the conservation of dying languages and mini-cultures. The fourth mission focuses on the global community. Peccei sees states at the root of the world’s problems because they do not allow the world to think in global terms. The fifth mission regards the human habitat and how to organise life for the planet’s eight billion inhabitants. The sixth mission is centred on the world’s system of production and how to stabilise it. This system is one of the most vulnerable features of the modern world, and it remains the most unstable. It therefore behoves modern man to devise and build a system able to provide a sustainable future. In the concluding part of the article the author returns to the future, looking at what we have understood from the past and the challenges that will have to be faced in the year 2050. Now, fifty years after the Club of Rome was founded, the world’s situation has not improved – on the contrary. The author concludes that only truly positive development is that global awareness of these problems is much greater than in the past.
L’autore sviluppa l’analisi in tre parti. La prima parte considera le persone che hanno avuto grande influenza all’interno del Club di Roma. Così percorre il pensiero, l’azione e gli ideali di Aurelio Peccei attraverso i suoi scritti e del mondo di studiosi accademici ma anche di eminenti personalità delle organizzazioni internazionali di tutto il mondo, che Aurelio Peccei riusciva a fare ruotare intorno e dentro alle sue istituzioni e alle sue idee. La seconda parte considera l’evoluzione del pensiero sulla coscienza globale attraverso gli scritti di Aurelio Peccei. Il suo percorso procede dall’analisi scientifica del mondo oltre il 2000, e poi si interessa, con il Club di Roma, a gestire l’educazione della gente di tutto il mondo per far sì che prenda coscienza che la crescita economica e della popolazione ha dei limiti, oltre i quali non vi è la capacità di sostenere tali crescite. Nel libro del 1976 su “La qualità umana” (2014: 242-256) Aurelio Peccei individua sei missioni per l’umanità volte a formare questa coscienza globale. La prima missione riguarda i limiti esterni della terra dati dalla presenza dell’uomo con il suo potere sulla Natura e il suo dominio esclusivo sulla Terra. La seconda missione riguarda i limiti interni dell’uomo che non conosciamo, e dunque cosa deve fare l’uomo in un mondo che muta continuamente. La terza missione riguarda l’eredità culturale, e la salvaguardia della sua identità culturale e a salvare fino alle lingue morenti e alle mini-culture. La quarta missione riguarda la comunità mondiale. Aurelio Peccei pensava che gli stati fossero un po’ alla base dei problemi, perché non permettono al mondo di pensare globalmente. La quinta missione riguarda l’habitat umano, poiché consiste sul come si deve organizzare la vita umana per 8 miliardi di abitanti del pianeta. Infine la sesta missione riguarda l’apparato produttivo mondiale per capire come stabilizzarlo. Infatti tale apparato produttivo rimane una delle aree più vulnerabili del mondo attuale, ed esso resta il più instabile. E quindi l’uomo moderno deve sforzarsi di studiare, e realizzare, un sistema per un futuro sostenibile. Infine la terza parte dell’articolo, in conclusione, l’autore ritorna al futuro, guardando a cosa abbiamo compreso del passato e a quali saranno le sfide per l’anno 2050. A oltre cinquant’anni dalla nascita del Club, la situazione del mondo non è migliorata, anzi è peggiorata. L’unico sviluppo veramente positivo che si è avuto è che attualmente la coscienza globale dei problemi è molto superiore del passato, conclude l’autore Roberto Peccei.
The author divides his analysis into three parts, of which the first considers the most influential figures in the Club of Rome. He thus reviews the thought, actions and ideals of Aurelio Peccei through his writings and their influence on the academic world and leading figures in International organisations the world over, people whom Peccei succeeded in gathering around him within the spheres of his institutions and ideas. The second part considers the evolution of thinking on global consciousness through Peccei’s writings. This started from a scientific analysis of the world beyond the year 2000 and then, through the Club of Rome, concerned itself with the education of people all over the world to spread awareness that economic and demographic growth has limits, beyond which it becomes unsustainable. In his 1976 book “The Human Quality” (2014: 242-256) Peccei identified six missions by means of which humanity may form this global consciousness. The first mission concerns the external limits of the planet deriving from mankind’s presence, his power over nature and his exclusive dominion over Earth. The second mission concerns mankind’s limits, which are unknown to us, and what mankind should do in a constantly changing world. The third mission regards cultural heritage and the protection of cultural identity, extending to the conservation of dying languages and mini-cultures. The fourth mission focuses on the global community. Peccei sees states at the root of the world’s problems because they do not allow the world to think in global terms. The fifth mission regards the human habitat and how to organise life for the planet’s eight billion inhabitants. The sixth mission is centred on the world’s system of production and how to stabilise it. This system is one of the most vulnerable features of the modern world, and it remains the most unstable. It therefore behoves modern man to devise and build a system able to provide a sustainable future. In the concluding part of the article the author returns to the future, looking at what we have understood from the past and the challenges that will have to be faced in the year 2050. Now, fifty years after the Club of Rome was founded, the world’s situation has not improved – on the contrary. The author concludes that only truly positive development is that global awareness of these problems is much greater than in the past.
Roberto Peccei, "Il ruolo di Aurelio Peccei nella formazione di una coscienza globale" in: "Futuribili. Rivista di studi sul futuro e di previsione sociale. 2022, n. 1/2, Vol. XXVII", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 65-83
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