Caterina Botti, Prospettive femministe. Morale, bioetica e vita quotidiana, Mimesis, 2014, pp. 214
Nicolini, Ottavia
The C. Botti's book Prospettive femministe investigates the more actual bioethics reflections starting from a feminism perspective. It aims is to show how only from a feminist perspective is possible to construct a moral philosophy able to provide a moral judgment the more possible in accordance with the moral issues. In accordance to the results provided by the feminism theory, the author suggests to introduce also in the moral philosophy's debate a new moral paradigm based on particularly and on the ethics of relations, which should be oppose to the still classical theory of moral philosophy based on an rational, universal and impartial subject. If the first part of the book focus on the theoretical debate, the second part offers a carefully analysis of the more recent questions in bioethics (like the issue of abortion, the question of the end of life, the case of children born extremely premature etc.), providing a practical exercise on theoretical questions earlier discussed.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Ottavia Nicolini, "Caterina Botti, Prospettive femministe. Morale, bioetica e vita quotidiana, Mimesis, 2014, pp. 214", in "APhEx 11", 2015, pp. 15