La vegetazione delle vallette nivali su calcare, dei conoidi e delle alluvioni nel Friuli
Poldini, Livio
Martini, Fabrizio
THE VEGETATION OF CALCAREOUS SNOW-VALLEYS, TALUS SLOPES AND PEBBLY RIVER-BEDS IN FRIULI (NE ITALY). The pioneer vegetation of the calcareous snow-valleys (Arabidion caeruleae), talus slopes (Audrosacion alpinae, Thlaspion rotundifolii, Petasition paradoxi, Stipion calamagrostis) and pebbly river-beds (Salicion incanae, Dauco--Melilotion) was studied in Friuli (Northeastern Italy).
16 coenoses have been defined also on the ground of the numerical classification of the vegetation data: Salicetum retuso-reticulatae, Sieversio-Oxyrietum digynae, Hieracietwn intybacei (new association), Papaveretum rhaetici, Papaveri julici-Thlaspietum rotundifolii, Leontodontetum montani, Dryopteridetum villarii, Moehringio-Gymnocarpietwn robertiani, Festucetum laxae, Athamanto cretensis-Trisetetum argentei (new association), Adenostyli glabrae-Heracleetum polliniani, Stipetum calamagrostis, Leontodonto beriniiChondrilletum, Petasites paradoxus-phytocoenon, Epilobio-Scrophularietum caninae and Calamngrostis pseudophragmites-phytocoenon. The floristic composition, the syntaxonomic relations, the synecology and synchorology, the chorological and life-forms spectra for each coenosis are discussed. The last chapter deals with the floristic pollution and anthropization of the most important rivers of the investigated region.
Studia Geobotanica. An international journal
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Livio Poldini, Fabrizio Martini, "La vegetazione delle vallette nivali su calcare, dei conoidi e delle alluvioni nel Friuli" in: "Studia Geobotanica. An international journal, Vol. 13 (1993)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 1993, pp. 141-214