O smysle predmetnosti u Anny Achmatovoj (analiz stichotvorenija Večerom)
Menyhért, Anna
The question of objectivity has always been of major interest to researchers, since Akhmatova’s poetry is considered as a variation of objective poetry. In the first part of my article I examine this phenomenon on the basis of the short analysis of the poem Cherneet doroga primorskogo sada…, in relation to symbols, motifs, oxymorons and the time-structure of the poem. According to the theory of V. Vinogradov, the time structure of Akhmatova’s poems consists of only one moment. The purpose of this work is to prove this in connection with the semantic and syntactic structures of the poem Vecherom, and to examine the role of semantic oxymorons as the most relevant text-organising elements. The other most important feature of the semantic and rhyme structure of this poem is the tendency to form a closed circle. This tendency and the presence of oxymorons are characteristics of Akhmatova’s code at text level. On the other hand, this code is influenced by the poet’s artistic outlook on life.
Slavica Tergestina
2 (1994)
Anna Menyhért, "O smysle predmetnosti u Anny Achmatovoj (analiz stichotvorenija Večerom)", in M. Nortman, L. Rossi, I. Verč (eds.): Slavica tergestina 2. Studia russica, Trieste, LINT, 1994, pp. 72-90.