Adriano Angelucci, Che cos'è un esperimento mentale, Carocci, Roma, 2018, pp. 140
Sgaravatti, Daniele
Even though Socrates might have not agreed, the best possible answer to a question of the form “What is an X?” (such as “What is a human being?” or “What is a thought experiment?”) is not an attempt at a definition, but rather it consists in showing an example of X. Even better if ten different examples of Xs are shown, and carefully described, explaining not only what they look like at first sight, but also what structure they have, and what their function is. At this point, the person who made the initial question should be in a position to recognize another X if they meet one, and, if they have the interest and the ability to do so, to offer their own definition of X. Angelucci explicity takes this route in answering the question “What is a thought experiment?” and, I believe, succeeds in reaching the goal. This book represents an excellent introduction to the study of thought experiments, and also an effective introduction to analytic philosophy as a whole.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Daniele Sgaravatti, "Adriano Angelucci, Che cos'è un esperimento mentale, Carocci, Roma, 2018, pp. 140", in "APhEx 20", 2019, pp.12