The "Concept of the Political" in Its Genesis
The Unpolitical Schmitt of Leo Strauss
Ciccarelli, Pierpaolo
My article is based on the hermeneutic hypothesis (formulated in § 1) that in the “Notes on
Carl Schmitt” (1932), Leo Strauss’s way of interpreting undergoes a “change” in its method.
From the historicistic “orientation” that characterizes the first two sections of the text, Strauss
moves in the third section to a phenomenological interpretation aimed at discovering the genesis
and moral basis of Schmitt’s “concept of the political”. This hermeneutic hypothesis allows
me to explain: (§ 2) the reason why Strauss denies what seems most obvious, namely that
Schmitt’s Bejahung (“affirmation” or “approval”) of “the political” is itself of a “political” character;
(§ 3) what Strauss means, in this context, by “the moral”, which, according to him, is at
the root of Schmitt’s conceptualization of “the political”; (§ 4) what the “intention” is of
Strauss’s interpretation of Schmitt.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Pierpaolo Ciccarelli, "The "Concept of the Political" in Its Genesis. The Unpolitical Schmitt of Leo Strauss" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2019) XXI/3", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2019, pp. 115-142
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