Huic uni forsan potui succumbere culpae (Verg. Aen. 4,19). Storia e significati di un verso
In 1927 Girolamo Vitelli proposed to translate Verg. Aen. IV 19 (Huic uni forsan potui succumbere culpae) separating huic uni to culpae: by so doing, Dido admits the possibility of betrayal «the Ciner of Sicheus» only for a man like Enea. This is not a new interpretation, as many translators of the past (Zoppo, Martelli, Schiappalaria, Carrara, Bozzoli, to name a few) were shown to interpret the verse in a similar manner. But the note of Vitelli has the merit of arousing a heated debate between his supporters and those of interpretation that binds huic uni to culpae. To support the interpretation of Vitelli – according to a rigorous philological method – can be brought comparisons with Catull. 111, 3 (sed cuiuis quamuis potius succumbere par est).