L’imprenditoria femminile nel Mezzogiorno. Casi di studio di rigenerazione territoriale
Female entrepreneurship in the South. Case studies of territorial regeneration
D’Aponte, Viviana
The recent analyzes developed by Unioncamere, aimed at monitoring the trend of female entrepreneurship in our country, show clearly how if in comparison at the European level there is a significant delay in the participation of the female component in business life, at the regional level, the majority of women's businesses in the country are located in the southern regions, with peaks of more marked concentration in Molise and Basilicata (Unioncamere, 2022). Although this data does not fill the structural criticality that characterizes the labor market in our southern regions, where female employment rates are significantly lower than the national average and greatly reduced compared to European rates (Barbaschi, 2020), nevertheless it represents, in any case, an interesting opportunity for the socio-economic development of these regions, especially in the light of the most recent measures launched by the Mise using the PNRR funds, for the establishment and consolidation of women's businesses (MISE Decree 24/11/2021). The methodology focuses on the distributive aspects and the geographic concentration of the phenomenon, with particular attention to the sectors where female entrepreneurship is more prevalent. The work intends to present an analysis of the peculiar characteristics that female entrepreneurship assumes in our country, with particular attention to the distribution aspects and to the sectors in which the phenomenon assumes a higher geographical concentration. The objective of the contribution is the creation of a mapping, as exhaustive as possible of the phenomenon, to allow the emergence of the combinations of significant factors capable of suggesting useful development options for the internal areas of the South, also in the perspective of advantageous results deriving from the initiatives put in place to encourage female entrepreneurship. The analysis reveals the existence of a certain dynamicity of female entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector in the South of Italy, particularly in the wine industry, which has been growing steadily over the past decade. This suggests that the female component can effectively propose itself as a new driver of business growth in innovative agricultural activities, including the wine sector, as well as in the hospitality and catering industries, with the indirect effect of stimulating development in inland areas and containing population decline.
Le recenti analisi sviluppate da Unioncamere, tese a monitorare l’andamento dell’imprenditorialità femminile nel nostro Paese, mostrano con evidenza come se nel confronto a livello europeo si registri un significativo ritardo nella partecipazione della componente femminile alla vita d’impresa, sul piano regionale, la maggioranza delle imprese femminili del Paese sia localizzata nel Mezzogiorno, con punte di più spiccata concentrazione in Molise e Basilicata (Unioncamere, 2022). Sebbene questo dato non riesca a colmare la strutturale criticità che caratterizza il mercato del lavoro nelle nostre regioni del Sud dove l’occupazione femminile registra, in assoluto, livelli significativamente inferiori alla media nazionale ed enormemente ridotti rispetto a quella europea (Barbaschi, 2020), ciononostante esso rappresenta, in ogni caso, un segnale importante ai fini dello sviluppo socio economico di tali regioni, in particolar modo alla luce delle più recenti misure varate dal Mise a valere sui fondi PNRR, per la costituzione ed il consolidamento delle imprese femminili (Decreto MISE 24/11/2021). La metodologia impiegata nel lavoro parte, dunque, da un’attenta analisi delle caratteristiche peculiari che l’imprenditoria femminile assume nel nostro Paese, con particolare attenzione per gli aspetti distributivi e per i settori in cui il fenomeno assume più elevata concentrazione geografica. Obiettivo del contributo è la realizzazione di una mappatura, quanto più possibile esaustiva del fenomeno, per lasciare emergere le combinazioni di fattori significativi in grado di suggerire utili opzioni di sviluppo per le aree interne del Mezzogiorno, anche nella prospettiva di vantaggiosi esiti derivanti dalle iniziative poste in essere per l’incentivazione dell’imprenditorialità femminile. Gli esiti dell’analisi condotta permettono di evidenziare, in tal modo, l’esistenza di una certa dinamicità dell’iniziativa femminile nelle imprese del settore agricolo nel Mezzogiorno, particolarmente interessante in quanto assume particolare evidenza nel comparto vitivinicolo il cui incremento in queste regioni si rivela sensibile e in progressiva crescita da oltre un decennio. In questo senso è possibile attribuire alla componente femminile un imprevedibile ruolo di driver di crescita aziendale nelle attività legate ad una valorizzazione delle potenzialità espresse da innovative forme produttive nel contesto dell’agricoltura meridionale. Tale caratteristica emerge efficacemente allorché si affermano modelli che combinano forme di conduzione declinate intorno al settore vitivinicolo unitamente ad attività di ristorazione e ospitalità, il cui effetto indotto si riflette su di una più efficace valorizzazione delle aree interne del paese, che contribuisce all’auspicato contenimento dell’esodo di popolazione e al conseguente recupero di manutenzione del territorio.
The recent analyzes developed by Unioncamere, aimed at monitoring the trend of female entrepreneurship in our country, show clearly how if in comparison at the European level there is a significant delay in the participation of the female component in business life, at the regional level, the majority of women's businesses in the country are located in the southern regions, with peaks of more marked concentration in Molise and Basilicata (Unioncamere, 2022). Although this data does not fill the structural criticality that characterizes the labor market in our southern regions, where female employment rates are significantly lower than the national average and greatly reduced compared to European rates (Barbaschi, 2020), nevertheless it represents, in any case, an interesting opportunity for the socio-economic development of these regions, especially in the light of the most recent measures launched by the Mise using the PNRR funds, for the establishment and consolidation of women's businesses (MISE Decree 24/11/2021). The methodology focuses on the distributive aspects and the geographic concentration of the phenomenon, with particular attention to the sectors where female entrepreneurship is more prevalent. The work intends to present an analysis of the peculiar characteristics that female entrepreneurship assumes in our country, with particular attention to the distribution aspects and to the sectors in which the phenomenon assumes a higher geographical concentration. The objective of the contribution is the creation of a mapping, as exhaustive as possible of the phenomenon, to allow the emergence of the combinations of significant factors capable of suggesting useful development options for the internal areas of the South, also in the perspective of advantageous results deriving from the initiatives put in place to encourage female entrepreneurship. The analysis reveals the existence of a certain dynamicity of female entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector in the South of Italy, particularly in the wine industry, which has been growing steadily over the past decade. This suggests that the female component can effectively propose itself as a new driver of business growth in innovative agricultural activities, including the wine sector, as well as in the hospitality and catering industries, with the indirect effect of stimulating development in inland areas and containing population decline.
Viviana D’Aponte, "L’imprenditoria femminile nel Mezzogiorno. Casi di studio di rigenerazione territoriale" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 178 (2023)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 1-17
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