La revisione di una traduzione specializzata: interventi e profilo del revisore
Notaristefano, Maristella
Being of utmost importance in ensuring the quality of translation services, the process of
revision is gaining an increasing interest among professionals and academics alike.
Thus the potentially never-ending process of improving the quality of a translated text is
being closely studied in order to identify clearly the tasks of the reviser and his/her ideal
professional profile, as well as to minimize costs. This paper aims to contribute to the
study of revision by looking at the revisions implemented in the English-to-Italian translation
of a textbook on macroeconomics. In order to classify and quantify the changes
made to the translation by the reviser, ad hoc revision parameters have been devised by
integrating two existing typologies of revisions (Rega 1999; Mossop 2007). On the basis
of raw quantitative data relating to the different types of revisions, some tentative conclusions
on the quality of the revision as well as on the role and expertise of the reviser
are finally drawn.
Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation
12 (2010)
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Maristella Notaristefano, "La revisione di una traduzione specializzata: interventi e profilo del revisore", in: Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation, 12 (2010), pp. 215-226.