Concezioni e immagini dell’ispirazione poetica in Orazio
Compared to the traditional connection ars-ingenium, the inspiration is certainly an element nearest to the ingenium, because of its irrational nature. Unlike of the ingenium however, it qualifies more as an event that as a requirement and provides, at least in the traditional conception, the intervention of a deity. Some odes of Horace, especially in books I-III, reflecting in their conduct the dialogue of the poet with the inspiring divine force, a dialogue in which alternating cooperation, conflict, terror and exaltation. Rather than determining the belief of Horace in the reality of the images he created, it is studied the operation in terms of their power of representation of a psychology of the poetic inspiration. In Ode III, 4 there is also a special relationship between the poetic investiture received from Horace and his ability to sing the lene consilium (also a gift of the Muses), with which Augustus ruled the world at peace now. Both the Epistle to Augustus that the Ars poetica extensively develop this correspondence between civilizing Musa and inspiring Musa, so that in the notion of sapientia, as it is configured in the Ars, it is possible to capture the final synthesis of an extensive study linking moral and political function of poetry, art of the good governance and poetic inspiration.
Polymnia. Studi di Filologia Classica 6
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