Dio modello o oggetto di secolarizzazione? Un excursus da Spinoza a Kant
Failla, Mariannina
The present 'excursus' from Spinoza to Kant intends to show that with Kant starts a different way of secularization of the divine. Through Kant's moral reflection, the secularization of the divine doesn’t borrow from divine love the moral ideas of community benevolence and the harmonious composition of the instances of individuals, as it happened in Spinoza and in Leibniz. In Kant takes places something more radical because God isn't a model of secularization anymore, he doesn't exhibit exempla that the human being must emulate or apply by acting virtuously in the community. Rather, God is himself secularized, God is the object of secularization.The triad human being-divine law-community, typical of the philosophies of Spinoza and Leibniz, is replaced by Kant through the triad human being-intelligible community-God. It is no longer divine law or divine wise to mediate between human being and community, in their place takes over the acknowledgment’s dynamic of intelligible beings (Intelligible Community). It is based on three moments (humanity-autonomy-dignity).These three moments can become a effectively secularized model for the realization of human rights in the political-liberal communities.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Mariannina Failla, "Dio modello o oggetto di secolarizzazione? Un excursus da Spinoza a Kant" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/1", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2021, pp. 529-564
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