Formal development and evaluation of narrow passageway system operations
Papadimitriou, Stratos
Austin, Mark
Kaisar, Evangelos
This study applies a new intelligent transportation methodology for transforming informal operations
concepts for narrow passageway systems into system-level designs, which will formal enough to support
automated validation of anticipated component- and system-level behaviours. Models and specifications
of behaviour are formally designed as labelled transition systems. Each object is the management system
is assumed to have behaviour that can be defined by a finite state machine; thus, the waterway
management system architecture is modelled as a network of communicating finite state machines.
Architecture-level behaviours are validated using the Labelled Transition System Analyzer (LTSA). We
exercise the methodology by working step by step through the synthesis and validation of a high-level
behaviour model for a vessel passing through a waterway network (i.e., canal).
European Transport / Trasporti Europei
XII (2006) 34
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
ISTIEE Istituto per lo studio dei trasporti nell’integrazione economica europea
Evangelos Kaisar, Mark Austin, Stratos Papadimitriou, "Formal development and evaluation of narrow passageway system operations", in: European Transport / Trasporti Europei, XII (2006) 34, pp. 88-104.