Ispanismi nel dialetto napoletano
Riccio, Giovanna
Marinucci, Marcello
This paper represents a historical and etymological analysis of the Spanish language's influence on the lexicon of the Neapolitan dialect. The investigation, made difficult by the fact that many Neapolitan dictionaries often provide etymologies that, at first sight, appear to be devoid of any scientific basis, justifies in itself the need to try to re-establish the subject in the light of methodological innovations in the field of ' Etymology, which have found their application in the most accredited etymological dictionaries (DCECH, DEI, DELI, DEDI, LEI). Not all problems have been resolved given the complexity of the subject and the lack of easy access to historical and documentary sources; open issues can, however, be a starting point for further insights.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Giovanna Riccio, Marcello Marinucci, "Ispanismi nel dialetto napoletano", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2005, pp. 212