The Expatriate and the Ex-patriot: Joyce's Friend Roberto Prezioso
Soranzio, Massimo
James Joyce and Roberto Prezioso could both be seen as expatriates and ex-patriots; although perhaps Joyce should be better defined as expatriate and Prezioso as ex-patriot. The two authors were friends during Joyce’s stays in Trieste, and shared both creative and personal life in this city, which was the first port of the Austrian Empire and the haven of conspirators and spies during the first two decades of the 20th Century. Through some references to Joyce’s only play "Exiles", the essay tries to give an image of the figure of Prezioso, who appears to have inspired some of the features of the character Robert Hand. The article follows the rather complicated relationship between Prezioso and the Joyces, a relationship deeply linked to Trieste as well. The fate of both men will bring them away from the city, although Prezioso’s departure will be related to his troublesome identity as Italian and later Austro-Italian subject, accused of double-crossing by both Italians and Austrians.
Prospero. Rivista di Letterature Straniere, Comparatistica e Studi Culturali
VI (1999)
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Massimo Soranzio, "The Expatriate and the Ex-patriot: Joyce's Friend Roberto Prezioso", in: Prospero. Rivista di Letterature Straniere, Comparatistica e Studi Culturali, VI (1999), pp. 133-145