Note sulla pragmatica comunicativa e sulla relazione intersoggettiva
Bettineschi, Paolo
Communication can only happen if there is inter-subjectivity. If you communicate with
no one, you do not communicate. The study of communication disorders and their
languages, verbal and nonverbal, allows us to investigate also the pathology of the
relationship between subjects. In communication, the aspects concerning the relationship
between subjects who communicate are on the same level as the communicated message.
In fact, if we think about it, we understand when there is contradiction between the
utterance and the mental state with which it is said. In analysis of the most serious
mental illness it is clear. It is also clear that, in cases of ‘double bind’, the paradoxical
bond that binds the most is more related to the love for the subject who orders the
impossible thing, respect to the impossible thing that is ordered. To stay away from the
most serious forms of disease, the inter-subjective relationship must practice the
recognition. Good communication exists where two who are related recognize themselves
in their own truth. If this truth is always hidden by the linguistic sign, then it doesn’t
exist, because there is only the sign, which becomes a sign of nothing. Therefore, language
cannot keep us indefinitely far from the truth of communicated things and from the truth
of the relationship that we live when we communicate.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
XIV (2012) 1
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Paolo Bettineschi, "Note sulla pragmatica comunicativa e sulla relazione intersoggettiva", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XIV (2012) 1, pp. 251-268