Exploring turn-taking in video-mediated interpreting: A research methodology using eye tracking
Verhaegen, Mathijs
Research has shown that in video-mediated dialogue interpreting, the multimodal coordination of turn-taking differs from face-to-face interpreting depending on the physical distribution of participants (e.g., Licoppe/Veyrier 2020). In video-remote interpreting in particular, where the interpreter is remote while primary participants are co-located, the function of gaze as a turn-taking device may be constrained (Davitti 2019). However, little is known about gaze and turn-taking in the increasingly common configuration in which all participants are in different physical locations (three-point video interpreting), and, in particular, how this configuration compares to others. Therefore, the aim of the PhD project reported on in this paper is to compare how turn-taking is managed multimodally by participants in (1) three-point video interpreting, (2) video remote interpreting, and (3) face-to-face interpreting. This paper reports on the innovative experimental methodology developed for this comparison, which includes nine interpreter-mediated simulations in an educational setting. The paper demonstrates how the collection of experimental, quantitative data by means of mobile eye tracking can inform a qualitative, multimodal conversation analysis of the simulations, which is triangulated with data from post-hoc interviews. This paper discusses a number of methodological considerations of a mixed-methods design that integrates simulated data and technology.
Mathijs Verhaegen, "Exploring turn-taking in video-mediated interpreting: A research methodology using eye tracking" in: "The Interpreters' Newsletter n. 28 - 2023", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 151-169
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