Aquileia in età tetrarchica e costantiniana. Trasformazioni urbanistiche e monumentali nel settore occidentale
Aquileia in Tetrarchic and Const antinian age. Urban and monumental transf ormations in the western part
Tiussi, Cristiano
Villa, Luca
This paper deals with the transformations on urban planning in Aquileia between the end of 3rd and IVth century A.D., when the city became the capital of the province Venetia et Histria and assumed a very important role in the administrative and military context of the Diocletian’s reform. Great interventions concern the exisiting monumental complexes, like the forum and the harbour, but new city walls, a big horreum and market structures were built; the Thermae Felices Constantinianae were made between the theatre and the amphiteathre. Soon after 313 A.D., the first Christian complex was also erected close to the horreum. As part of this “urban revolution”, a prominent place is taken by the new western quarter, which was added to the city since the last years of 3rd century. Before that, wide works were made: a part of Anfora channel was filled up in order to acquire new areas for the expansion of the city. In this quarter the imperial interventions are increasingly evident. First of all the circus, then the mint and the “palace”, that is the Emperor’s residence: a lot of indications locate it near the circus, along its eastern side.
Il contributo affronta il tema delle trasformazioni urbanistiche intervenute ad Aquileia tra la fine del III e il IV secolo d.C., dopo che la città era divenuta capoluogo della provincia Venetia et Histria e aveva assunto importanti ruoli nel quadro amministrativo e militare della riforma dioclezianea. Interventi di notevole impatto riguardano i complessi monumentali preesistenti, come il foro e il porto; inoltre, vennero innalzati una nuova cinta di mura, grandiosi horrea e nuove strutture di mercato, mentre tra l’anfiteatro e il foro fu costruito il grande edificio delle Thermae Felices Constantinianae. Dopo il 313 venne edificato anche il primo complesso di culto cristiano accanto all’horreum. All’interno di questa “rivoluzione urbanistica”, un posto di rilievo va riservato al nuovo quartiere occidentale, aggiunto all’impianto urbano probabilmente a partire dagli ultimi anni del III secolo d.C., dopo estesi lavori di preparazione che comportarono anche la colmatura di parte del canale Anfora. In questo settore sono sempre più evidenti gli interventi imperiali: il circo, innanzitutto, la zecca e il “palatium”, cioè la residenza imperiale, che una serie di indizi sempre più nutrita permette di collocare a ridosso del circo, lungo il suo lato orientale.
This paper deals with the transformations on urban planning in Aquileia between the end of 3rd and IVth century A.D., when the city became the capital of the province Venetia et Histria and assumed a very important role in the administrative and military context of the Diocletian’s reform. Great interventions concern the exisiting monumental complexes, like the forum and the harbour, but new city walls, a big horreum and market structures were built; the Thermae Felices Constantinianae were made between the theatre and the amphiteathre. Soon after 313 A.D., the first Christian complex was also erected close to the horreum. As part of this “urban revolution”, a prominent place is taken by the new western quarter, which was added to the city since the last years of 3rd century. Before that, wide works were made: a part of Anfora channel was filled up in order to acquire new areas for the expansion of the city. In this quarter the imperial interventions are increasingly evident. First of all the circus, then the mint and the “palace”, that is the Emperor’s residence: a lot of indications locate it near the circus, along its eastern side.
Cristiano Tiussi, Luca Villa, ''Aquileia in età tetrarchica e costantiniana. Trasformazioni urbanistiche e monumentali nel settore occidentale'', in: ''Aquileia Nostra'', 88 (2017), pp. 91-147
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