Quos tamen chordae nequeunt sonare, / corda sonabunt: Sidon. epist. IX 16,3 vers. 83-841 (Sidonio Apollinare giudica la sua poesia)
Sidonius Apollinaris concludes with these verses the ode contained in the last epistle of his collection. This letter is commonly considered his “political and literary will”, a sort of final balance of his activity as author of poetry and epistolary prose. Sidonius abandons poetry because it is less suitable to his rank of bishop, in favour of a higher genre, literary prose, which regulates the epistolary genre; he thus makes a choice which is diametrically opposed to that avowed by the classical recusatio. As a first approach to this epistle, this paper will carry out a close reading of Sidonius’ text and in parallel with Horace’s last ode.