Il trasporto combinato marittimo in Italia: cambiamenti nella geografia portuale ed effetti territoriali
Combined maritime transport in Italy: changes in port geography and territorial effects
Tadini, Marcello
In recent years, maritime transport has become increasingly important due to its primary role in containing the mobility of goods by road. The need to make the logistics system more sustainable from an en-vironmental point of view and more competitive in economic terms has led the European Union to promote the use of combined maritime transport, with particular attention to the so-called “Motorways of the Sea”. The latter identify the segment of maritime transport based on fixed lines at a defined interval that use Ro-Ro ships in which the loading and unloading of the cargo does not require the aid of cranes or other external mechanical means, because the goods are arranged on platforms or in containers, loaded and unloaded by means of self-propelled vehicles. Despite the growth recorded by Ro-Ro traffic in recent years in Europe, the interest of the literature for this freight transport option is still limited since the focus is mainly on container traffic. Therefore, it is considered important to deepen the analysis of this in-termodal solution that appears relevant in particular in our country. Indeed, fact, in addition to being widespread in Italian ports, Ro-Ro plays a fundamental role both in intra-national connections and in infra-Mediterranean connections. In the light of these considerations, the paper proposes a research that, starting from the creation of a database of Ro-Ro traffic in Italian ports in the period 2011-2022, leads to the thematic repre-sentation of the aforementioned data through the support of the car-tographic tool. The latter constitutes a fundamental requirement for carrying out the analysis of the evolution of the combined sea-road traffic. The aim is to evaluate its impact on the port geography, the differences between the Tyrrhenian and the Adriatic shores as well as the territorial effects induced in terms of ports centrality and port regions development.
Negli ultimi anni è cresciuto il ruolo del trasporto marittimo come stru-mento di primaria importanza nel contenimento della mobilità delle merci via strada.
La necessità di rendere più sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale e più competitivo in termini economici il sistema della logistica ha spinto l’Unione Europea a promuovere il ricorso al combinato marittimo, con particolare attenzione alle cosiddette “autostrade del mare”. Queste ulti-me identificano il segmento del trasporto marittimo basato su linee fisse a cadenza definita che utilizzano navi Ro-Ro in cui l’imbarco e lo sbarco del carico non richiede l’ausilio di gru o altri mezzi meccanici esterni, perché la merce è disposta su pianali o in contenitori, caricati e scaricati per mezzo di veicoli semoventi.
Nonostante la crescita registrata dal traffico Ro-Ro negli ultimi anni a scala europea, l’interesse della letteratura per questa opzione di traspor-to merci risulta ancora limitato poiché l’attenzione è prevalentemente focalizzata sul traffico container.
Pertanto, si ritiene importante approfondire l’esame di questa soluzione intermodale che appare rilevante in particolare nel nostro paese. Infatti, il combinato marittimo, oltre ad essere diffuso nella portualità italiana, svolge un ruolo fondamentale sia nei collegamenti infra-nazionali che nelle connessioni infra-mediterranee.
Alla luce di quanto affermato, il contributo propone un percorso di ri-cerca che, a partire dalla costruzione di una base dati dei traffici Ro-Ro nei porti italiani nel periodo 2011-2022, conduce alla rappresentazione tematica dei dati suddetti tramite il supporto dello strumento carto-grafico. Proprio quest’ultimo costituisce un requisito fondamentale per compiere l’analisi dell’evoluzione del traffico del combinato marittimo-stradale valutandone l’impatto sulla geografia portuale, le differenze tra la sponda tirrenica e quella adriatica nonché gli effetti territoriali indotti in termini di rafforzamento/conferma della centralità dei nodi portuali e di incremento delle potenzialità di sviluppo delle regioni portuali.
In recent years, maritime transport has become increasingly important due to its primary role in containing the mobility of goods by road. The need to make the logistics system more sustainable from an en-vironmental point of view and more competitive in economic terms has led the European Union to promote the use of combined maritime transport, with particular attention to the so-called “Motorways of the Sea”. The latter identify the segment of maritime transport based on fixed lines at a defined interval that use Ro-Ro ships in which the loading and unloading of the cargo does not require the aid of cranes or other external mechanical means, because the goods are arranged on platforms or in containers, loaded and unloaded by means of self-propelled vehicles. Despite the growth recorded by Ro-Ro traffic in recent years in Europe, the interest of the literature for this freight transport option is still limited since the focus is mainly on container traffic. Therefore, it is considered important to deepen the analysis of this in-termodal solution that appears relevant in particular in our country. Indeed, fact, in addition to being widespread in Italian ports, Ro-Ro plays a fundamental role both in intra-national connections and in infra-Mediterranean connections. In the light of these considerations, the paper proposes a research that, starting from the creation of a database of Ro-Ro traffic in Italian ports in the period 2011-2022, leads to the thematic repre-sentation of the aforementioned data through the support of the car-tographic tool. The latter constitutes a fundamental requirement for carrying out the analysis of the evolution of the combined sea-road traffic. The aim is to evaluate its impact on the port geography, the differences between the Tyrrhenian and the Adriatic shores as well as the territorial effects induced in terms of ports centrality and port regions development.
Marcello Tadini, "Il trasporto combinato marittimo in Italia: cambiamenti nella geografia portuale ed effetti territoriali" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 175 (2022)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 75-88