Cartografia e promozione del territorio: un approccio analitico-comparativo alle carte turistiche della Liguria del secondo dopoguerra
Cartography and territorial promotion: an analytical-comparative approach to the tourist maps of post-war Liguria
Mangano, Stefania
Piana, Pietro
The importance of cartography in tourism is generally linked to the need tourists have to reach their destination and to move across an unknown geographical context using road maps or large-scale plans, recently replaced by geo-located applications through the use of smart phones. However, there is another dimension of such cartography which uses the communicative power and readability of maps for the promotion of tourist destinations. Such products, generally known as pictorial maps, need to combine geometrical accuracy of cartographical representation and aesthetic appeal providing tourists with an effective synthesis of the offer of a certain destination without neglecting practical and logistic information. This paper introduces a novel analysis of tourist cartography of post-war Liguria focussing on two pictorial maps made by the graphic designer and artist Aldo Cigheri held at the Historical Archive of Regione Liguria. These documents are analysed and classified based on their features, particularly the covered areas, the style of representation, symbols categories and choice of subjects. Through the study of tourist cartography in Liguria, the paper aims at underlining how such products contributed to define the tourist offer and the image of Liguria in the years of the Economic Boom, suggesting a reflection on how tourist promotion strategies have evolved from the post-war period to present day
L’importanza della cartografia nella pratica turistica è generalmente collegata all’esigenza di raggiungere la destinazione designata e di orientarsi in un contesto geografico nuovo utilizzando carte stradali o piante a grande scala, sostituite negli ultimi anni da applicazioni geolocalizzate utilizzabili attraverso smartphone. Esiste tuttavia un’altra dimensione di tale cartografia, legata ad una funzione prettamente divulgativa e di promozione del territorio, che ne sfrutta l’efficacia comunicativa e la facile leggibilità. Si tratta di prodotti che devono trovare un compromesso tra accuratezza geometrica della rappresentazione e gradevolezza estetica, proponendo al turista un’efficace sintesi dell’offerta di un determinato territorio senza tralasciare gli aspetti pratici e logistici. Il contributo propone un’analisi della cartografia turistica prodotta in Liguria nel secondo dopoguerra, concentrandosi in particolare su due rappresentazioni del grafico e artista Aldo Cigheri conservate presso l’Archivio Storico della Regione. I suddetti materiali sono stati analizzati e classificati tenendo conto delle caratteristiche dell’area riprodotta, dello stile della rappresentazione (se prevalentemente artistica o geometrica), delle categorie di simboli utilizzati e della scelta dei soggetti. Attraverso lo studio di tali opere, il contributo intende evidenziare come esse abbiano contribuito a definire l’offerta e l’immagine stessa del territorio ligure negli anni del boom economico, proponendo inoltre una riflessione sull’evoluzione delle strategie di promozione turistica dal dopoguerra ad oggi..
The importance of cartography in tourism is generally linked to the need tourists have to reach their destination and to move across an unknown geographical context using road maps or large-scale plans, recently replaced by geo-located applications through the use of smart phones. However, there is another dimension of such cartography which uses the communicative power and readability of maps for the promotion of tourist destinations. Such products, generally known as pictorial maps, need to combine geometrical accuracy of cartographical representation and aesthetic appeal providing tourists with an effective synthesis of the offer of a certain destination without neglecting practical and logistic information. This paper introduces a novel analysis of tourist cartography of post-war Liguria focussing on two pictorial maps made by the graphic designer and artist Aldo Cigheri held at the Historical Archive of Regione Liguria. These documents are analysed and classified based on their features, particularly the covered areas, the style of representation, symbols categories and choice of subjects. Through the study of tourist cartography in Liguria, the paper aims at underlining how such products contributed to define the tourist offer and the image of Liguria in the years of the Economic Boom, suggesting a reflection on how tourist promotion strategies have evolved from the post-war period to present day
Stefania Mangano, Pietro Piana, "Cartografia e promozione del territorio: un approccio analitico-comparativo alle carte turistiche della Liguria del secondo dopoguerra" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 176 (2022)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 137-156
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