Workgroup C. Implementing organic food production in the DRB
Bossi, Emanuele
Gierlinger, Sylvia
Kišjuhas, Aleksej
Morić, Milovanović
Oros Sršen, Ankica
Žikovšek, Darja
The aim of the project is a more sustainable agriculture and the re-ruralisation of remote mountainous regions
in the Danube River Basin through the strengthening and establishment of organic farms in selected
less developed mountainous regions, and through educating the demographically young population of the
Danube area to organic farming methods and practices and to the ecological relevance of quality farming.
Organic food production implements traditional and indigenous knowledge, fosters a more eco-friendly use
of soil and water resources, and allows farmers in market-marginalized areas to rely on local resources
and food distribution systems, therefore addressing the challenges of demographic change in mountainous
regions by creating local networks and strengthening marketing activities in the selected regions.
DIANET International School Proceedings 2013
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Emanuele Bossi, Sylvia Gierlinger, Aleksej Kišjuhas, Milovanović Morić, Ankica Oros Sršen, Darja Žikovšek, "Workgroup C. Implementing organic food production in the DRB", in: Stefano Brumat, Diana Frausin (eds.) DIAnet International School Proceedings 2013. Interdisciplinary Methods for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region. Gorizia, 13rd - 22nd April 2013, Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013, pp. 70-83.