Behavioural responses to road pricing. Empirical results from a survey among Dutch car owners
Ubbels, Barry
Verhoef, Erik
This paper presents the results from a questionnaire among Dutch car owners. We have analysed the
behavioural responses to three different, policy relevant, road pricing measures. Depending on the type of
measure and type of trip affected, we find reductions in the number of car trips of, on average, 11%. A flat
kilometre charge affects social trips considerably more than commuting trips. However, when policy
makers want to affect peak time (commuting) traffic, a time differentiated measure is more appropriate.
Slow traffic and trip suppression are most popular alternatives for non-commuting trips. Departure time
changes become very attractive for all purposes when the proposed measure varies over time.
European Transport / Trasporti Europei
XI (2005) 31
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
ISTIEE Istituto per lo studio dei trasporti nell’integrazione economica europea
Barry Ubbels, Erik Verhoef, "Behavioural responses to road pricing. Empirical results from a survey among Dutch car owners", in: European Transport / Trasporti Europei, XI (2005) 31, pp. 101-117.