Décalage e unità di senso nelle interpretazioni simultanee dall’arabo in italiano
Torchitti, Francesco
The paper has been inspired by a personal curiosity to study simultaneous interpreting
fromArabic into Italian. On the basis of live-satellite simultaneous interpretations, the
analysis focuses on a specific simultaneous interpretation element: the ear-voice span.
This yardstick has been related to the unit of speech, that is to say the speaker’s part of
speech corresponding to the interpreter’s silence, which is the starting point of the interpreter’s
translation. All potential syntactic, semantic and pragmatic clues of the unit of
speech have been taken into account during the study. Thanks to this procedure, the
main elements determining the ear-voice span in the analysed simultaneous interpretations
have been pointed out. The results of the paper show how ear-voice span – and the
subsequent shaping of the unit of speech – is not strictly connected to and determined by
Arabic syntax. Further non-syntactic elements may highly influence the length of the
décalage. As a matter of fact, the importance of pragmatic and prosodic clues has been
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Francesco Torchitti, “Décalage e unità di senso nelle interpretazioni simultanee dall’arabo in italiano”, in: Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione n. 11 (2009), Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009, pp. 235-245