Catholic civilization and the evil savage: Juan Nuix facing the Spanish Conquista of the New World
Guasti, Niccolò
This paper analyzes the Riflessioni imparziali sopra l’umanità degli Spagnuoli
nell’Indie, published in 1780 by the exiled Spanish Jesuit, Juan Nuix (1740-
1783). This work, conceived as an extensive commentary on Raynal’s Histoire
des deux Indes and Robertson’s History of America, presented two main points:
a strong censure of the black legend version of the Spanish enterprises in
America and, secondly, a peculiar point of view on 'otherness' in relation
to the Spanish conquista of America. The most interesting aspect of the
Riflessioni is its explicit attempt, according to the ideological positions of a
‘conservative’ Jesuit like Nuix, to revive – through a modern language – the
‘Imperial Spain paradigm' within a Counter-reformist frame: to this purpose
he simply turned upside down, by claiming them as positive, all the black
legend arguments.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Niccolò Guasti, “Catholic civilization and the evil savage: Juan Nuix facing the Spanish 'Conquista' of the New World”, in Guido Abbattista (edited by), Encountering Otherness. Diversities and Transcultural Experiences in Early Modern European Culture, pp. 285-302.