Cultural Heritage and Science: Perspectives of Law and Policy
Trieste Convention Center Room 28H, Porto Vecchio, Trieste
Science and Society
Francesca Fiorentini
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell'Interpretazione e della Traduzione, Università di Trieste
Alicja Jagielska-Burduk, University of Opole, Poland Sloboda Midorovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Ivana Kunda, Law Faculty University of Rijeka Francesca Fiorentini, Department IUSLIT University of Trieste moderator Andrzej Jakubowski, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
Alicja Jagielska-Burduk, University of Opole, Poland Sloboda Midorovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Ivana Kunda, Law Faculty University of Rijeka Francesca Fiorentini, Department IUSLIT University of Trieste moderator Andrzej Jakubowski, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
The initiative proposed here is a Traditional Panel Session entitled “Cultural Heritage and Science: Perspectives of Law and Policy”. The aim of this Session is to showcase and debate with the public at large the last advances in academic research dealing with the role that the linkage between ‘cultural heritage’ and ‘science’ may play on society. In particular, this Session will show how this linkage can increase social cohesion and help maintaining peaceful intra-sate and international relations in multicultural contexts, such as the area of the Western Balkan Countries, placed at the intersection of the European Union (EU) boundaries. Relatori Andrzej Jakubowski, is Assistant Professor, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Poland) and he is Lecturer in Arte & Law to Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw. Since 2017, Chair of the Committee on Participation in Global Cultural Heritage Governance, International Law Association (ILA). He was invited as Guest Lecture to the Centre for Higher Defence Studies of Roma, the University of Maastricht, the Kadir Haas University in Istanbul. Currently he is Head of the Polish team of the project “Dictionnaire du droit de l’art Comparé”, Centre National de Researche Scientifique, Paris (France). Alicja Jagielska-Burduk, since february 2018, UNESCO Chair on Cultural Property Law, Faculty of Opole, Poland Law and Administration, University of Opole. She has been Rector’s plenipotentiary in the area of cooperation Bydgoszcz, Poland with the International School of Bydgoszcz, governed by Kazimierz Wielki University and established via an agreement between Poland and HQ SACT NATO. In 2014 she has served as member of the “Society” team on culture-related issues, and worked on a draft of the Territorial Contract concerning the European Union Programming Period 2014-2020. This included engaging in meetings in Bydgoszcz and Toru, as well as performing a formal and factual evaluation (2014). Currently she is preparing documents on due diligence and art market ethical codes for UNESCO in anticipation of State Parties Meeting in May 2019. Sloboda Midorovic, is Teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad, Civil Law Department, Teaching subjects: Introduction to Civil Law and Real Property Law Law. Since 2018 she is team member of the project “The Right to Cultural Heritage – Its Protection and Enforcement Through Cooperation in the European Union (HEURIGHT)”, ERA-NET PLUS (Horizon 2020) – http://www2.units.it/heuright Ivana Kunda, is an Associate Professor and the Head of the International and European Private Law Department at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka and the Vice-Dean for Research. She was invited as a visiting professor to the University of Navarra, the IULM, the University Antwerp, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Zagreb, WIPO Summer School and the MSU Croatia Summer Institute. She was granted international scholarships, including the Fulbright scholarship in 2010 for the research at the Columbia University, the GRUR scholarship in 2007, 2008 and 2014 for the research at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and the GIZ scholarship in 2002 for research at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law and the University of Hamburg. She was or currently is a member of the research teams in several EU and national projects. She was a Croatian national reporter for the EU-funded project HEURIGHT: The Right to Cultural Heritage, Its Protection and Enforcement through Cooperation in the European Union, where she closely cooperated with the University of Trieste-based project team. Owing to her research focus on the intangible property and rights, she has been invited to lead the Croatian team for the next edition of the CHRS Dictionnaire comparé du droit du patrimoine culturel (M. Cornu, C. Wallaert, J Fromageau, eds.). Among her professional memberships are those in the ILA and ATRIP, while she also acts as deputy president of the Croatian Comparative Law Association, She is also an editor of the Balkan Yearbook of International and European Law and the Santander Art and Culture Law Review. Francesca Fiorentini is Associate Professor of Comparative Law, Department of Legal Sciences, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies (IUSLIT) of the University of Trieste, Italy. She is author of paper on “Cultural Heritage in the EU’ External Relations” delivered at the “58th London-Leiden Conference: The European Union and International Law”, organized at the King’s College, London, by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, by the University of Leiden, and by the Centre for European Law of the King’s College, 29th June 2019. Since 2017 she is Member of the Advisory Body of the Series “Land and Housing Law” (Elgar Publishing, London), and she has been invited researcher and co-author for the preparation of the Dictionnaire comparé du droit du patrimoine culturel, 2È ÉDITION (M. Cornu, C. Wallaert, J Fromageau, eds., CNRS Éditions, Paris), under the Italian Coordination of Prof. Manlio Frigo, University of Milan. Research conducted within the international research group « Droit du patrimoine culturel et droit de l’art».
The initiative proposed here is a Traditional Panel Session entitled “Cultural Heritage and Science: Perspectives of Law and Policy”. The aim of this Session is to showcase and debate with the public at large the last advances in academic research dealing with the role that the linkage between ‘cultural heritage’ and ‘science’ may play on society. In particular, this Session will show how this linkage can increase social cohesion and help maintaining peaceful intra-sate and international relations in multicultural contexts, such as the area of the Western Balkan Countries, placed at the intersection of the European Union (EU) boundaries. Relatori Andrzej Jakubowski, is Assistant Professor, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Poland) and he is Lecturer in Arte & Law to Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw. Since 2017, Chair of the Committee on Participation in Global Cultural Heritage Governance, International Law Association (ILA). He was invited as Guest Lecture to the Centre for Higher Defence Studies of Roma, the University of Maastricht, the Kadir Haas University in Istanbul. Currently he is Head of the Polish team of the project “Dictionnaire du droit de l’art Comparé”, Centre National de Researche Scientifique, Paris (France). Alicja Jagielska-Burduk, since february 2018, UNESCO Chair on Cultural Property Law, Faculty of Opole, Poland Law and Administration, University of Opole. She has been Rector’s plenipotentiary in the area of cooperation Bydgoszcz, Poland with the International School of Bydgoszcz, governed by Kazimierz Wielki University and established via an agreement between Poland and HQ SACT NATO. In 2014 she has served as member of the “Society” team on culture-related issues, and worked on a draft of the Territorial Contract concerning the European Union Programming Period 2014-2020. This included engaging in meetings in Bydgoszcz and Toru, as well as performing a formal and factual evaluation (2014). Currently she is preparing documents on due diligence and art market ethical codes for UNESCO in anticipation of State Parties Meeting in May 2019. Sloboda Midorovic, is Teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad, Civil Law Department, Teaching subjects: Introduction to Civil Law and Real Property Law Law. Since 2018 she is team member of the project “The Right to Cultural Heritage – Its Protection and Enforcement Through Cooperation in the European Union (HEURIGHT)”, ERA-NET PLUS (Horizon 2020) – http://www2.units.it/heuright Ivana Kunda, is an Associate Professor and the Head of the International and European Private Law Department at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka and the Vice-Dean for Research. She was invited as a visiting professor to the University of Navarra, the IULM, the University Antwerp, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Zagreb, WIPO Summer School and the MSU Croatia Summer Institute. She was granted international scholarships, including the Fulbright scholarship in 2010 for the research at the Columbia University, the GRUR scholarship in 2007, 2008 and 2014 for the research at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and the GIZ scholarship in 2002 for research at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law and the University of Hamburg. She was or currently is a member of the research teams in several EU and national projects. She was a Croatian national reporter for the EU-funded project HEURIGHT: The Right to Cultural Heritage, Its Protection and Enforcement through Cooperation in the European Union, where she closely cooperated with the University of Trieste-based project team. Owing to her research focus on the intangible property and rights, she has been invited to lead the Croatian team for the next edition of the CHRS Dictionnaire comparé du droit du patrimoine culturel (M. Cornu, C. Wallaert, J Fromageau, eds.). Among her professional memberships are those in the ILA and ATRIP, while she also acts as deputy president of the Croatian Comparative Law Association, She is also an editor of the Balkan Yearbook of International and European Law and the Santander Art and Culture Law Review. Francesca Fiorentini is Associate Professor of Comparative Law, Department of Legal Sciences, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies (IUSLIT) of the University of Trieste, Italy. She is author of paper on “Cultural Heritage in the EU’ External Relations” delivered at the “58th London-Leiden Conference: The European Union and International Law”, organized at the King’s College, London, by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, by the University of Leiden, and by the Centre for European Law of the King’s College, 29th June 2019. Since 2017 she is Member of the Advisory Body of the Series “Land and Housing Law” (Elgar Publishing, London), and she has been invited researcher and co-author for the preparation of the Dictionnaire comparé du droit du patrimoine culturel, 2È ÉDITION (M. Cornu, C. Wallaert, J Fromageau, eds., CNRS Éditions, Paris), under the Italian Coordination of Prof. Manlio Frigo, University of Milan. Research conducted within the international research group « Droit du patrimoine culturel et droit de l’art».
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