Principi per un modello di gravitazione portuale della clientela di un servizio di linea portacontainer
Torbianelli, Vittorio
The aim of the following port choice model is to draw the borders of the geographical gravitational areas for the users of a deep sea container route. The service regularly calls first at the one port and then an another along the coast of a continental area. The port choice is a result of minimising a generalised cost function, in which both operational costs (depending on the distance) and financial costs (depending on the shipping time) are evaluated. The port choice are influenced by the kind of operation (import or export). In fact, for the same geographical point on the continent, the financial cost of importing through the first port called at is lower than that of importing through the second: this is because the ship arrives earlier. The opposite happens for exporting. By using analytical tools, the model distinguishes geographical zones in which imports pass through the first and exports through the second port called at on the route.
European Transport \ Trasporti Europei
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Vittorio Torbianelli (1997) Principi per un modello di gravitazione portuale della clientela di un servizio di linea portacontainer, European Transport \ Trasporti Europei, 7, pp. 31-39