Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Israel Museum. The Paul Balog Collection. Egypt vol. III The Mamlūks 1248-1517
Baidoun, Issa M.
Schultz, Warren C.
The present volume is the first in a series devoted to the Islamic coins in the
collection of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. The majority of these coins were
donated to the Museum by the late Paul Balog. The Israel Museum is proud to
continue Balog’s legacy by making his rich coin collection available to the public.
The adoption of the sylloge format, organized by individual mints, is best suited
to the needs of scholars of political and monetary history. The Egyptian series
is by far the strongest in Balog’s collection, and one of the largest of its kind.
Appropriately, the Mamlūk mints of Egypt were chosen to be the subject of the
first volume of the series.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Issa M. Baidoun, Warren C. Schultz (With a Contribution by ), "Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Israel Museum. The Paul Balog Collection. Egypt vol. III The Mamlūks 1248-1517", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2011, pp. 205
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