L’expérience de l’ ‘Autre’ des missionnaires et le discours anthropologique. À propos des ‘Nouvelles de la presqu’île américaine de Californie’ (1772) du missionnaire jésuite Johann Jakob Baegert
Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen
This contribution presents and analyzes the work of the Jesuit missionary
Johann Jakob Baegert who was born in Alsatia in 1717 and sent to the Californian
Peninsula in the mid-eighteenth century, in a threefold perspective: in the first part
the specific characteristics of Baegert’s biography are presented and pointed out; the
second part considers Baegert’s main work, the Nachrichten von der Amerikanischen
Halbinsel Californien (Nouvelles de la presqu’île américaine de Californie) published in
German in 1772 in Mannheim, as an ethnographic counter-discourse directed abstracts 381
against dominant European visions of South America and Lower California,
exemplified in the article on the subject published by Bruzen de la Martinière in his
Grand Dictionnaire géographique, historique et critique (1723). Finally, the third part of
the contribution analyzes the anthropological dimensions of Baegert’s discourse,
especially the use of comparisons and the perception of intercultural encounters
and cultural particularities in his main work as well as in letters addressed to his
brother, which were published in an Alsatian periodical.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, “L’expérience de l’ ‘Autre’ des missionnaires et le discours anthropologique. À propos des ‘Nouvelles de la presqu’île américaine de Californie’ (1772) du missionnaire jésuite Johann Jakob Baegert”, in Guido Abbattista (edited by), Encountering Otherness. Diversities and Transcultural Experiences in Early Modern European Culture, pp. 239-251.