Mappature partecipative per il monitoraggio e la gestione della fauna urbana
Participatory mapping for monitoring and management of urban wildlife
Brocada, Lorenzo
Ferretti, Stefano
Chiaranz, Giorgio
The article sets out some examples of the application of participatory mapping to urban wildlife monitoring through citizen science projects. In particular, it is proposed to take a spatial perspective in the study of wildlife presence in urban areas, analyzing the spatial relationships between the latter and socio-economic and environmental characteristics. The in-depth case study concerns the territory of Genoa, where the municipal administration has recently undertaken projects to census and map some animal species such as felines and murids. Some critical issues related to the excessive spread of these species both in relation to human activities and biodiversity are then exposed.
L’articolo espone alcuni esempi di applicazione della cartografia partecipativa al monitoraggio della fauna urbana attraverso progetti di citizen science. In particolare si propone di assumere una prospettiva territoriale nello studio della presenza selvatica in ambito urbano, analizzando le relazioni spaziali fra quest’ultima e le caratteristiche socio-economiche e ambientali. Il caso di studio approfondito riguarda il territorio di Genova, dove l’amministrazione comunale ha recentemente intrapreso progetti di censimento e mappatura di alcune specie animali quali i felini e i muridi. Vengono quindi esposte alcune criticità legate all’eccessiva diffusione di queste specie sia in relazione alle attività umane, sia alla biodiversità
The article sets out some examples of the application of participatory mapping to urban wildlife monitoring through citizen science projects. In particular, it is proposed to take a spatial perspective in the study of wildlife presence in urban areas, analyzing the spatial relationships between the latter and socio-economic and environmental characteristics. The in-depth case study concerns the territory of Genoa, where the municipal administration has recently undertaken projects to census and map some animal species such as felines and murids. Some critical issues related to the excessive spread of these species both in relation to human activities and biodiversity are then exposed.
Lorenzo Brocada, Stefano Ferretti, Giorgio Chiaranz, "Mappature partecipative per il monitoraggio e la gestione della fauna urbana" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 177 (2023)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 74-89
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