Che cosa sono le etiche applicate? Tre problemi preliminari
Fossa, Fabio
In this essay I try to identify a viable starting point towards a philosophical theory of
applied ethics. My aim is to explore the conditions under which a unitary enquiry
concerning the essence of applied ethics, their distinctive constructs, their novelty, and
their relevance in face of traditional moral thinking may be carried out. Since a similar
approach is yet to be fully worked out, a preliminary analysis concerning its very possibility
and starting point seems to be necessary. After a general introduction (§1), I discuss the
terminological problem raised by the many labels through which applied ethics, as they are
commonly called, are known (§2). Secondly, I review the debate on how the relations
between different branches of applied ethics, their scientific contexts, and moral
philosophy are to be understood (§3). Finally, I try and show that these issues originate
from a common source, i.e., the tension of theory and practice in moral experience and the
problem of moral application. My thesis is that the experience of the gap between ethical
theory and moral practice, i.e., the problem of moral application, can be pinpointed as the
unifying and fundamental content of applied ethics in all its plurality. At the same time,
this shows the true philosophical nature of applied ethics. In my opinion, approaching
applied ethics in such terms will not only help shed light on their status, but also offer
moral thinking a new and interesting perspective from which to reconsider some of its
traditional issues.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Fabio Fossa, "Che cosa sono le etiche applicate? Tre problemi preliminari", in "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2018) XX/2", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018, pp. 433-466
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