Cannibalismo, predazione, socialità: un’ipotesi sulla nascita della violenza
Lusetti, Volfango
In this article the main topics are the problem concerning the role of the neverending rising of the violence in
the passing of time and its misterious cultural and biological origins. We start from the main cultural Greek
events (the birth of tragedy, the theme of the “scapegoat”), to a deep analysis of biological human and animal
behaviours. All the uplisted phenomena are marked by a constant conflict between matriarch and patriarch
societies and between mainly male generations, through that mediation of the female element. We focus
on the fact that the cultural and natural inextricable tangle is based on the predatory origin human kind and
on the primary cannibal conflict between adult man and the progeny of the female, against which the species
reacted with all kind of means. First of all modifying her own sexual behaviour (in examples overpassing the
female genius and letting women become receptive for what concerns the sexual aspects towards men); secondly
inventing a sort of symbolic language. The essential elements of the human antipredatory defences
(sexuality, conscience, symbolic language) could be the ones, simil-sexual, based on the receptivity and on the
ability of absorbing the diverse, that is the “other”, and of neutralising him. All this facing the predatory violence,
coming from the internal of the species, and absorbing it through sexuality and language. In this way
violence is modified and becomes almost a “son”. Summing up the connection between biology and environment
was the source of the most plastic capacities of the human nature, that is the cultural ones. This mechanism
concerned sexuality, sociality and its linguistic derivates. As the sexual perversions are the result of the
annexation of biological predation (sexuality), the cultural codes (the sense of guilty) and war, are the annexation
of the most mental antipredatory defence (conscience and language deriving from sociality). The result
of defending themselves from the predation, in a more mental way, was a ritual and cultural methaphore
and, at the same time, a way to push externally the familiar centre, the one which the primary predatory conflict
belonged to. It was from this conflict that the human evolution took its origin and a lot of examples are
given in the Bible and in the Universal Myth. Following this idea, Religions, cultural symbolic codes, sexuality
are joined together in their “circuit” running with predation. This kind of running produces ambiguous
antipredatory defences; in fact they absorb predation (and the “other” too) but notwithstanding, they are
able to change the “other” and to generate the caracteristic, continuous change, called “culture”. So predation,
that was born as the starting point of human nature, nowadays works as eternal source of culture, giving
to it the capability to change and to evolute itself.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
XI (2009) 2
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Volfango Lusetti, "Cannibalismo, predazione, socialità: un’ipotesi sulla nascita della violenza", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XI (2009) 2, pp. 234−302.