Antiquitates? Bios, Natura, Tecnica, Post-human tra manie, fobie e affanni
Amodio, Paolo
From an epistemological point of view, the dichotomy Nature vs. Culture is today totally obsolete, because
of the new developments in the field of biology of complexity, and because of certain trends of
contemporary philosophy that, accepting the invitation and the new challenge of the “complexity”, suggest
an “anthropobiological” approach. The question of Technology – such as the 20th century Philosophy (in its
humanistic rhythms and in its anti-humanistic fugues, as well as in its biopolitical outbursts) shaped and
transmitted it – has its own sense only in this obsolete dichotomy, whether a great part of contemporary
philosophy (which is hampered by its ontological-hermeneutic foundations) likes it or not. In fact, the
question of Technology is often the hostage of Bioethics as a welfare service and not as a question of
Knowledge. Well, Technology is really just a medium or an inauthentic form of Knowledge? In any case: is it
a region inhabited only by the Human? What do we find before and out of Technology: maybe Nature and
Being? Moreover, is Technology in the bios or is it against the bios? And what if Nature and Artefact,
instead of being in opposition – and maybe synthesized later in the Consciousness or dissolved into the
Dasein – “fitted together” through hybridisation and crossbreeding? Philosophy seems to be suspicious of
Biology, it seems to avoid the question. Philosophy seems to prefer its old paradigms, it seems to refuse the
question in order of its peaceful tradition. Post-human hypothesis is the contemporary proof. But if Post-
Human, considered as a Theory of the Human and not as the “Latest Fashion” of the Being, as well as
contemporary theoretical approach seems to suggest, was not just an overused slogan? Why Philosophy, in
every time, seems to get out of breath when it meets Biology?
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
XIV (2012) 1
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Paolo Amodio, "Antiquitates? Bios, Natura, Tecnica, Post-human tra manie, fobie e affanni", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XIV (2012) 1, pp. 9-26